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Posts posted by temporaryuser381

  1. Why do you want those? Also another method to extract/repack is to use AE.

    Yes I tried AE and exgxp by asmodean and both work fine. But It doesn't matter which extractor I choose, becasue each one extracts GXP file correctly. But I need to decompress MWB file which are achieved after extraction from GXP archives.


    These script files contain all game text, like messages, story and other. I need to translated these to englis for an interface patch.

  2. Hey guys, I am currently trying to create an interface patch for new Astronauts game 'Tou no Shita no Exercitus'. I have used arc_conv to extract files from gxp archives.

    For game scripts I got two files:

    • moacode.mwb
    • modlist.dat (This contains list of all files inside moacode.mwb)

    Mwb file is zlib compressed. And I am trying to decompress a zlib compressed file. Output should be an UTF-8 encoded binary file. I don't know how should I go about it.

    Someone at http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3740571040?pn=2 successfully decoompressed this file (View output at http://tieba.baidu.com/photo/p?kw=galgame&flux=1&tid=3740571040&pic_id=51da04f3d7ca7bcb45f43662bb096b63f424a8c0&pn=1&fp=2&see_lz=0). But I can't seem to get it to work. Can anyone please guide me in the right direction.

  3. Ok it looks like scripts are in bincode.gxp. This archive contains two file:

    • moacode.mwb
    • modlist.dat (This contains list of all files inside moacode.mwb)

    Sample line from modlist.dat is


    C:/Users/kusu/Desktop/塔の下の/塔の下のエクセルキトゥス_開発環境(150717)/最新環境0810_エクストラ有り - コピー/scripts/egs_avg_loop.txt    130838434429606068
    C:/Users/kusu/Desktop/塔の下の/塔の下のエクセルキトゥス_開発環境(150717)/最新環境0810_エクストラ有り - コピー/scripts/egs_deckedit_start.txt    130808035560000000
    C:/Users/kusu/Desktop/塔の下の/塔の下のエクセルキトゥス_開発環境(150717)/最新環境0810_エクストラ有り - コピー/scripts/egs_dungeon_abort.txt    130834055640000000
    C:/Users/kusu/Desktop/塔の下の/塔の下のエクセルキトゥス_開発環境(150717)/最新環境0810_エクストラ有り - コピー/scripts/egs_dungeon_exit.txt    130838302266999280
    C:/Users/kusu/Desktop/塔の下の/塔の下のエクセルキトゥス_開発環境(150717)/最新環境0810_エクストラ有り - コピー/scripts/egs_dungeon_start.txt    130821444100000000


    But moacode.mwb is binary and I can't open it with text editor. I tried opening it with hex editor but it looks like it is another archive file. Can anybody help me extract this archive?

  4. Hi guys, how are you? I am currently trying to create an interface patch for new Astronauts game 'Tou no Shita no Exercitus'. I have used arc_conv to extract files from gxp archives. Currently there are following archive in game installation direction:

    • bgms.gxp (Background music)
    • bincode.gxp (? two files containing list of game file paths, like cg, music and stuff)
    • cg.gxp (game Cg, event cg, ui cg, character sprites)
    • data.gxp (game fonts, card, character, skill, enemy details, maps and other texture, UI Buttons and other)
    • patch01.gxp (version 1.01 update patch related stuff)
    • system.gxp (?)
    • voices.gxp (character voices)

    I am currently trying to translate dialog message that appear in game like choices, instructions, tutorials etc. But I cannot find where is the text for those is present, also I cannot find scripts for game.  I've also tried to use Resource hacker with game exe but It isn't showing any text strings inside executable.


    Can anybody help me with this. Were can I find game scripts (text) and how? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanx

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