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Posts posted by Useless-san

  1. 5 hours ago, Soulless Watcher said:

    As a collection of side stories or fables they are fine, good even, I think it was my misperception that it would be structured in a similar way to something like Rewrite that tainted the overall experience for me. If I knew beforehand that the routes would just be their own separate thing that went along with the main route and not building towards a grand finale I probably wouldn't have been as disappointed. 

    Honestly though I really didn't care about the underlining themes, I read stories to escape reality, not to learn anything to benefit it :makina:.

    I could tell from your VNDB, which is why i stopped. Nonetheless, the case of C;C is pretty peculiar as it goes to great lengths to maintain the theme's integrity and coherence. The route structure is a result of that, and it's only good if you care about the theme. Therefore, i can't fault anyone for disliking the routes.


    Over sky on the other hand, is as you said impeccable. It is a perfect 10/10.
    The structure was great with minimum downtime, and most of the scenes felt meaningful to the goal the story was heading to. It also manages to show managed to show the cast in this route as people, developing them throughout the route (save for Hana and Uki). You can just praise it tbh, there is nothing to complain about.
    I wrote my impressions on Choas;Child already, so doing it again feels redundant.

  2. On 11/8/2017 at 2:17 PM, Soulless Watcher said:

    Well I finished Chaos;Child and while I'm not angry with the rest of it, I am disappointed. The individual character routes are much weaker than the initial route, but they serve their purpose in giving more insight into the motivations and history of the characters. I didn't necessarily see this as a problem, I thought they were solid building blocks of what I expected to be a kickass true ending. Well, I saw the true ending and it turns out that wasn't the point. 

    The routes enforce the story's theme rather than doing something else entirely. Chaos;Child is about dealing with information and the burden of the truth. That's not to say that there are no problems in the way they were executed, it's just that they serve that purpose well. This can be, especially, seen in Hinae's and Nono's routes where both where about truth and falsehood. Uki also serves this concept pretty well, but Uki was really boring.
    I think the routes also connect to how important information can also be pointless in the grand scheme of things, but that's a bit of a stretch.

    On 11/8/2017 at 2:17 PM, Soulless Watcher said:

    There are also several smaller issues that annoy me. 

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    Hana Kazuki is completely pointless in regards to the larger plot and could be completely removed and you wouldn't have to change anything else in the story, she really feels like a character that was written in after a first or even second draft. Kurusu Nono's death is randomly retconed in the true ending, undermining the emotional impact of the initial event. Kunosato Mio's backstory is never expanded upon, but constantly hinted at. Itou Shinji dosn't really get any resolution and is kinda awkwardly pushed out of the story. Wakui Shyuuichi is revealed to be the major villain, but doesn't get defeated and only fucks off after making a vague bet with Takuru. YUI IS FUCKING DEAD IN THE STEINS;GATE WORLDLINE (AKA TRUE END). :kosame:


    I wish i can say that Hana wasn't pointless. Hana is a bad character in every way possible. Actually the story would be much better without her. You could think of how her route could've played out were it based on Takuru being a true Gigalomaniac, instead of her just being there. However, you could say that her power had a major role in the discussion of how information spreads once you consider everything.

    I do have similar gripes when it comes to the true route. Regardless, Nono dying probably had to do with her conscious being ejected from the synchronized delusion (C;C syndrome). Moreover, Wakui is not the main villain. Wakui is an agent of the committee. He doesn't care about what happens as long as it doesn't affect him negatively. The main Villain is still Sakumma. I do agree with the rest though.




    I don't think the main theme would have worked out without the routes, but it will take me quite a lot more to convince you and i am not sure if you care about themes in general.

  3. So i diceded that i should start playing I/O on windows 8.1 tablet (32 bit), playing during my breaks between the lectures should be great or so i thought. Therefore, i had the portable version on an SD card, ran the .bat file and thought i was ready to finally read my visual novel.


    Then i got the Directinput error (i can get a photo of it but i don't think it would help in anyway) it's wierd because this the first i got something like this and i tried everything i know to try to make it work but it didn't happen (i checked the registry files as well and they were fine).



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