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Everything posted by IMPoseidon

  1. Lol, love that managing cats line. Thanks, now I have a better understanding of the roles.
  2. The many positions you can fill are; Editor (someone who fixes the translation); Proofreader (checks for grammar and spelling errors); Translator; Hacker (someone needs to hack the game and make the script available to be translated and edited); QC (quality checker, after the game has been completely translated and edited, the qc checks to see that the quality of the game is sufficient) Other positions could be management, though I'm not too certain as to who is allowed to be one, and if the group agrees on one either. That should be self explanatory, you'd be keeping everyone up to task and helping progress move along much quicker in a timely manner. If there is an admin that could clarify this, that would be great.
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