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Everything posted by Kururi

  1. I just finished Route A and I've already had high hopes for this VN! It's a pity that only 1 chapter is translated, but I'll be looking for it again once I finish I/O! Thank you so much!
  2. Hello! I'm currently playing I/O, and knowing that Lemnisca translated it, I browsed their website for translation of the side-materials (through web archive). However, I noticed that some of the translations are not available anymore and I can't find them anywhere else. If anyone has/finds the translation for I/O The “Boy” In The Mirror Novel and Never7: PSP Limited Edition Booklet Takumi Nakazawa Interview, could you share it? Thanks!
  3. 30 endings for Remember11... That's quite a lot I guess I'll read them all nonetheless (with the help of a walkthrough). I'm doing the same thing for Never7 too right now, thanks for the reply
  4. I've actually read Ever17 and it is what got me into the Infinity series as a whole
  5. Hi, I'm reading Never7 and planning to read Remember11 afterwards. Being a VN completionist (is that even a word?), I would like to request the complete save data for both of them if anyone has it. While I do complete all the endings, I want to get 100% in my Clear List and unlock all the tips without having to jump back and forth for minor changes in dialogues. Tl;dr: I'm looking for the complete save data (or system data) for Never7 and Remember11 if anyone has it. Thank you!
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