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Posts posted by Kotarou

  1. hmm ok i will test it happy.gif

    ahh i found some error here :

    maybe we must turn off the UAC before using this batch file

    Pics :


    Would you mind removing from the first line of the bat file @echo off? and then posting another picture of when the error occurs+the more details area checked?

  2. hmm ok i will test it happy.gif

    ahh i found some error here :

    maybe we must turn off the UAC before using this batch file

    Pics :


    Can you show me the more details? And also try checking to see if in properties its blocked. Also the batch file should not be Elevated until it asks for it and finally you do not need to turn off User Account Controls for this batch file.

  3. Why not make it read the path from registry instead of typing it? (Reg Query)

    That seems like a much better idea... unfortunatly right now my Scripting computer is having some issues and i need to move some partitions from a live cd. Unfortunatly this means i cannot look for the registry entry. The reason why I didnt do that the first time was because I would rather stay out of the Registry however it seems like that is the better and shorter approach

  4. Here is an updated Batch Installer which unlike my first edited batch allows you to not only install the patch to the default location but also to any location you tell it to. This Batch is untested in 32-bit Win7/8/Vista and windows XP. As with my previous Batch Script it needs to be in its own directory. Paste I would like to get as much feedback on how it runs and any problems people come across while installing in the untested Environments.

  5. Nice. But doesn't work if you install the game in documents or a place that is not program files. Most likely a reason why the batch wasn't done this way. I do like permissions check though.

    It wouldnt be too hard to add a part that asks where you installed it and then use that to alter the install path. At most it would take me 1/2 an hour.

  6. Ive improved the Batch script used to install the restoration Patch

    Pastebin Link

    It installs the restoration patch to Program Files or Program Files (x86) and checks locale and if you have already installed it. You do not need to (and nor is it recommended) to copy the files over to the installation Directory. You need to put it into its own folder and the batch will take care of the rest.

    EDIT:See Updated Post

  7. Here is the batch file i use to fix both the UAC and file not found

    Ive tested it on 64-bit systems and it works on it however it is not to be copied to the install directory but rather in its own directory as part of the script involves copying all files in the current directory to the default installation directory.

    @echo off

    :: BatchGotAdmin


    REM --> Check for permissions

    >nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system"

    REM --> If error flag set, we do not have admin.

    if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' (

    echo Requesting administrative privileges...

    goto UACPrompt

    ) else ( goto gotAdmin )


    echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"

    echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"


    exit /B


    if exist "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ( del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" )

    pushd "%CD%"

    CD /D "%~dp0"



    echo "Running 64-bit Install"

    xcopy .\* "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\MoeNovel\IF MY HEART HAD WINGS\"

    cd "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\MoeNovel\IF MY HEART HAD WINGS"

    goto Install

    ) ELSE (

    echo "Running 32-bit Install"

    xcopy .\* "%ProgramFiles%\MoeNovel\IF MY HEART HAD WINGS\"

    cd "%ProgramFiles%\MoeNovel\IF MY HEART HAD WINGS"

    goto Install



    @echo on

    xdelta3.exe -d -s CHIP4.arc Chip4.arc.diff chip4.arc.new

    ren CHIP4.arc CHIP4.arc.bkp

    ren chip4.arc.new CHIP4.arc

    xdelta3.exe -d -s Chip1.arc chip1.arc.diff chip1.arc.new

    ren Chip1.arc Chip1.arc.bkp

    ren chip1.arc.new Chip1.arc

    xdelta3.exe -d -s CHIP2.arc chip2.arc.diff chip2.arc.new

    ren CHIP2.arc CHIP2.arc.bkp

    ren chip2.arc.new CHIP2.arc

    xdelta3.exe -d -s CHIP3.arc Chip3.arc.diff chip3.arc.new

    ren CHIP3.arc CHIP3.arc.bkp

    ren chip3.arc.new CHIP3.arc

    xdelta3.exe -d -s CHIP5.arc Chip5.arc.diff chip5.arc.new

    ren CHIP5.arc CHIP5.arc.bkp

    ren chip5.arc.new CHIP5.arc

    xdelta3.exe -d -s CHIP6.arc Chip6.arc.diff chip6.arc.new

    ren CHIP6.arc CHIP6.arc.bkp

    ren chip6.arc.new CHIP6.arc

    xdelta3.exe -d -s Graphic.arc graphic.arc.diff graphic.arc.new

    ren Graphic.arc Graphic.arc.bkp

    ren graphic.arc.new Graphic.arc

    xdelta3.exe -d -s Voice.arc voice.arc.diff voice.arc.new

    ren Voice.arc Voice.arc.bkp

    ren voice.arc.new Voice.arc

    ren Rio.arc Rio.arc.bkp

    ren Rio.arc.new Rio.arc


    EDIT: please note that running this as administrator WILL copy over files from sys32 and not the patch files

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