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Posts posted by ripdog

  1. Whoops, I totally pasted the wrong line...

    Then, holding onto the railing of the promenade,\nI leaned towards the lake.

    Immediately after, we have

    Now that the rain has stopped, countless stars are\nprojected on the calm surface of the lake.

    Goes from past tense "leaned" to present tense "Now that".

  2. Other than editing senior to senpai would we be looking to change something like Mr. Mochizuki to Mochizuki-Sensei and looking for other honorifics in the original japanese text.

    I'd prefer to do that personally, but it'd be better for a TLC to go through and add in all honorifics after most editing is done...

    I hope someone will volunteer to do that at some point, though it will be a lot of work.

    Searching through the scripts for the common honorific kanji may speed it up?

    Another topic: What's with the tense in this text? I've been getting a bad feeling about some random tense changes throughout the text, but I just found a line with a tense change half way through. Ugh.

    Now that the rain has stopped, countless stars are\nprojected on the calm surface of the lake.

    I hate these, always hard to know which is correct, but be sure to keep on the lookout, everyone.

  3. Hi all editors!

    Just a few things to take note of:

    American English.

    Replace senior with senpai.

    The \n's you see scattered around stand for newlines - i.e., a textual representation of the enter button. Make sure they exist in your edited lines at approximately the same position as the unedited lines, otherwise the edited line may overflow out of the textbox ingame. It can all be fixed, of course, but it's just more work.

    Be sure to maintain single quotes in spoken lines.

  4. I know it was only a matter of time, but I'm very glad to hear about this.

    I'm a native English speaker, and I'd love to help edit scripts. Lots of stuff to fix, so need lots of editors, right? :)

    I'm looking forward to playing the actual full version of this game in English - not this bastardised version.

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