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Everything posted by FraCtion

  1. Okay I've decided to get a tad bit more serious with my thoughts of translating. I wanna have a look at the script for the game I have in mind, but as I mentioned in my previous posts, I don't know how to extract the strict from the game. So if there's anyone out there who's willing to extract the script for me, please PM me. Thanks in advance.
  2. Again, my reasoning for STARTING a project on my own would be to avoid bringing disappointment in the event the project goes south. However if I reach a decent point and the project is progressing smoothly, yeah I would get people to help me with the load. So what I'm getting at is, I would like to START a project by myself in secret.
  3. Given that statement, I'm assuming that most translation projects out there have multiple translators? Just to be clear, I meant to say that I intend to do the "translating" myself. I would naturally find help for other aspects of the project. Given my lack of technical knowledge in the hacking area, I would naturally need to find someone to take care of that. Maybe saying that I'll complete a the FULL translation of the game is unrealistic. However I would like to finish a decent portion of the game before finding help so that I have base for actually completing the project.
  4. Thanks everyone for the helpful info. I suppose translating directing from the text file would be a lot faster then the other method. But I feel that if I every did get into translating I would translate while playing to try capture the context of the game better. I know that this process is a lot slower, but since my Japanese isn't fantastic, I'll most likely produce a better translation this way. It's unfortunate that extracting scripts requires outside help because if I EVER started translating, I would want to start out on my own. At the very least I would want to keep the translation a secret until the translation stage has been completed. It my be my own idealism due to the fact that I've never been in a translation group before, but I would rather keep things secretive as insurance in case I decide to blow the project.
  5. Okay I don't frequent forums that often, but this looked like a good place to get questions answered concerning fan translating. Here goes... I'm interested to know what the full translation process is like from the translating part to the release of a full patch. Currently something like this is in my mind: Translation--->translation check--->quality check--->release patch ^If I'm wrong or if there's more, please tell me. I see groups indicating how many "lines" they have translated and what the total amount is. How is it they extract all the lines from the game? On with the actual translation step of things, how do translators go about translating? More specifically, do have the game open and translate line by line as they play the game in real time? Or do they translate while only looking at the extracted lines? Or some combination of both? I'm assuming that this is generally left to the discretion of the translator, but I'm hoping someone can tell me a standardized method that people tend to lend towards. Translation checking and quality checking basically speaks for itself I suppose. I suppose if I were to ask anything it would be what the TLC does. Since they're checking the translation quality, I assume they look at some text file that contains both all the lines from the game and the accompanying translation? Anyways I suppose that's about all I wanna ask. I'm interested in doing some fan translating, but I would rather know the grips of EVERYTHING before throwing myself in there. So please, go give me as much detail as possible. Thanks.
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