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Posts posted by Edumax

  1. My previously sacrificed letters: F I E N D; my new ones: B G


    "Aloha, my pal" says Carlos. "How's your mom?" my mom, Carlos asks. "Shoot Carlos", my pal says "Your mom. Your mom!!!, You'll shoot Carlos, you must, my pal" Carlos talks to my pal's pal, my pal's pal says "40's my mom, youth's my mom" Carlos says "Your pops?" my pal says to my pal's pal "Your pops??!?!. your pops?!?! Shoot Carlos, you must, you mull that, you mull that my pal, you must, law says" "My pal, shut up, Carlos's a pal as ok as you" my pal says "as you, you say, that's a myth, that's a myth my pal, truth's what you must say my pal!!!!" Carlos look at my pal's pal, my pal's pal says "pops's top, plays sax, bro's happy that way" My pal shouts to my pal's pal "myth, all's a myth, my pal" "stop your slaps my pal, Carlos at most asks as a pal, Carlos just asks as a paaal!!!" "Slow pal, Carlos just ask to slay your soul, Carlos, a pal?, that's just a myth" "Shut up shut up shut up!!!!!" Throw, Carlos, Carlos's plasma, Carlos's coral plasma. Charcoal, all's charcoal, my pal howls, my pal's pal howls, howls, Carlos shouts, my pal's pal slays Carlos, all's howls "My pal, your soul's soul is my pal" says my pal. My coral pal, Carlos's plasma's pal, coral, charcoal, hot, throw, Carlos... plasma... coral... my pal's pal... charcoal... hot... drop... arrow, the coral color arrow...

    Almost dropped, but the prizes're too good

  2. Before reading the no abbreviations and propper english rules, i wrote this shit:

    -hmhm. so you go w us?
    -ok ok, gotta ask my mom, though
    -that's what u must say always pal.
    -but u r always w... sths that my mom & pops r at odds w
    -awww pal, u r such a baby, grow up.
    -shut up, just cuz ur 638783
    -ahahahaha, so, ur mom says?
    -ok!, but no rum
    -ur mom's sharp
    -mom: "always rum ur pal"
    -ahaha, so, tomorrow'll go!!! ur good pal has sth to say though
    -about ur goal?
    -hmhm, ur savvy about my goal?
    -savvy? okok, "orthodox guy", uh uh'll say
    -good good, cuz u'll gotta say my goal at 12 o'clock tomorrow
    -shut up, 'll ya?
    -ok ok, but srsly, my goal's to say to da you "croak"
    -what's croak?
    -muahahaha, ask yahoo
    -ty ty, yahoo sucks so meh
    -so, my pal, my bro, gotta go
    -oh, ok, tomorrow'll u...
    -car my pal
    -oh, ok, thx
    *Carlos logs out
    *Bort logs out
    "oh pals, tomorrow Carlos gotta croak, muahahahaha"

    Shit, double post

  3. My story's here, Carlos is such a non-fiend name (my letters were a fiend and fiend) not my best work, nor my worst, it's kinda... surreal?

    I corrected an "i" on the story, changed playing to plays


    "Aloha, my pal" says Carlos. "How's your mom?" my mom, Carlos asks. "Shoot Carlos", my pal says "Your mom. Your mom!!!, You'll shoot Carlos, you must, my pal"

    Carlos talks to my pal's pal, my pal's pal says "40's my mom, youth's my mom" Carlos says "Your bro?" my pal says to my pal's pal "Your bro??!?!. your Bro?!?! Shoot Carlos, you must, you thought that, you thought that my pal, you must, law says"

    "My pal, shut up, Carlos's a pal as ok as you" my pal says "as you, you say, that's a myth, that's a myth my pal, truth's what you must say my pal!!!!"

    Carlos look at my pal's pal, my pal's pal says "Bro's top, plays sax, bro's happy that way" My pal shouts to my pal's pal "myth, all's a myth, my pal"

    "stop your obloquy my pal, Carlos just asks as a pal, Carlos just asks as a paaal!!!" "Slow pal, Carlos just ask to slay your soul, Carlos, a pal?, that's just a myth"

    "Shut up shut up shut up!!!!!" Bow, Carlos, Carlos's plasma, Carlos's ruby plasma. Black, all's black, my pal laughs, my pal's pal laughs, laughs, Carlos shouts, my pal's pal slays Carlos, all's laughs

    "My pal, your soul's soul is my pal" says my pal. My ruby pal, Carlos's plasma's pal, ruby, black, hot, bow, Carlos... plasma... ruby... my pal's pal... black... hot... drop... arrow, the ruby color arrow...

  4. Hmmm, tough question. I would say F, for the F word, then I, because I am important, then E, 'cause my name begins with that and it's a cool letter, then the N, you can almost say no with that, and everybody knows that double negative it's positive so you can say yes, and finally but not more important, the D, 'cause she wants it.

  5. Furukawa Nagisa from Clannad, why? Clannad is a pretty well known anime, and a lot of people already know that is a visual novel, hell, the kickstarter of Clannad easily reached it's target, and, i live in latin america, and visual novels are not well known here, but!, people who knows of visual novels are always saying "clannad is such a great visual novel!". Sorry for the bad english.

  6. Well, here's mine:


    Well I was, at the bar
    In a very, far off land
    It was visnovella
    A land for fellas
    A place, where you can make, it all

    Suddenly, a man, talk to me
    He offered, to tell a story of a myth
    And I was bored, and a little drunk, so I said, please, go on:

    A long time ago, when dragons ruled it all
    There was a slime, called rick, who dreamed, of great deeds
    But dreams, it was all, that he could see

    A long time ago, when dragons ruled it all
    Our friend, Gangamamer, was bored, till no end
    And he had the power make it all change
    To bring on some chaos, to this world of boredoom
    To begin new days, under a shinning moon

    He needed Rick's power, devour him, absorb him
    And so be stronger, and change the world and make it free

    The council of six, approved the plan against Rick
    They needed Gangamamer, to kill the great Avel
    The dragons were strong, and their hearts filled with more than blood

    And so Rick was death, for a trap He fell
    And so the slime was eaten, and Gangamamer was who beated it

    Next day, next fight, against the great Avel's Might
    The two dragons fought, as fast as the light
    But Gangamamer was stroger, his attacks were sharper
    And with polymorphing, that was obtained devouring
    The battle was over, and victory to Gangamamer

    The elf arrived, and and took the dragon who died
    Gangamamer went on, to slay everyone
    Who was a dragon, who was strong too

    Then battles were fought, then dragons were slawn
    Then Gangamamer finally faced Brongaa
    But when they were gonna clash with their claws
    The skies darkened and lightnings came down

    Then someone appeared, the elf, it was him
    He changed the rules, of the game of truth
    "Dragons now server elves", he told this news to them
    Brongaa couldn't resist, then Gangamamer was sealed

    And so kingdom fell, but's not my end...

    Your end?

    Forget, my friend, the rum, made you hear things I fear



    Please tell me if you can see the video, i'm not very familiar with youtube (or anything that has to do with uploading videos, or audios). Also, once again excuse me for my bad english and pronunciation, not really good with those c:

  7. Well, here's mine. I ask for forgiveness for the bad english, but i'm not really good with the language:



    Every year, there comes a time when the kingdom of Visnovella appears somewhere in the world. Legend tales that it's some kind of land of destiny, land where many revolutions have taken place, many empires have risen and many others have fallen. A lot of people travel to sighseeing, others in search of items of great power, or information, and others to make legends come true. But my reason of being here is none of the ones I've mentioned, it's for the rum. You see, there's a good old tavern here, and the rum they serve there is the one that the gods should've drank when they walked the world (in my opinion, that's it).

    So, I was drinking and drinking and drinking, then a gal came and said "Five gold coins says you can't drink 3 bottles in a minute" and I was like "Heh, watch and learn". After winning the five gold coins, we chatted for a while, drunk with the rum and ourselves, and went to the nearest inn to... you know, fuck like there was no tomorrow.

    I woke up at 5 o'clock, with a bit of a headache, and remembering the wise words of an old friend "you can win over the hangover drinking", i went once again to the bar. It was almost empty, except for the bartender and a man... a warrior maybe? he was wearing some kind of armor and had a sword hanging from his waist. I sat near the warrior and began drinking again. Maybe he was bored, or just liked to talk, but he said "Hi, do you wanna hear an interesting story related to this land of legends?" "Ok, I don't have anything else to do at the moment" I said, and he began his tale:

    Once, long ago, there was a time when dragons ruled the world, the other races, such as elves, humans, orcs, and the ever slimish slimes, were only slaves of them, only things to please themselves, only creatures destined to serve them, to entertain them, to kill each other for their joy, and so on, you catch the drift.

    Obviously, the most weren't happy with the situation, but they were powerless.

    There was dragon called Gangamamer, name bestowed upon him for certain circumstances that're not very interesting so i'll skip that. So, this dragon felt very bored with the current way of the world: Dragons live like hundreds of thousands of years, and being at the top of the "food chain", ruling the other species, it is understable that at least one or two would be tired of this lifestyle after all the years, so he decided to take action.

    It is said that if you are doing something, even if it's wrong to do it, you must do it like it's the most natural thing in the world, and no one will complain or even notice. The Visnovella rebellion group, did this every day, having meetings like two blocks away from the royal palace of royal royalty of the dragons, Visnovella being at that time the main kingdom of the dragon race. Well, they could 'cause the dragons could crush'em at any given time, so, no worries there. The thing is, the leader of the rebels was the almighty Rick, a slime who could polymorph into almost everything of the same mass, and whose codename was SSS (don't ask why, I don't know either), was at an impass with the elves's council of six. The elves wanted to join forces with the heroes of the other kingdoms and their followers to at least kill the weakest of the five great elemental dragons (which one, i don't know, they're really strong and spat things out of their mouths), while Rick was opposed to this idea.

    It was the following day of the discussion that Gangamamer make his move. He contacted the head of the council of six and invited him to his palace (it was huge 'cause, you know, dragons're huge), there, they held a meeting. Gangamamer went straigh to the point and said "Look, my power is to absorb someone's power by devouring him/her/it, and I just know that with Rick's ability, I'll be invincible". Obviously, the elf answered what does they gained with that to commit that kind of treason, so our dragon said "I'm really bored with the current state of the world, I need something thrilling, some chaos in my long life, so I'm planing to overthrow the current empire, drive the world into an era of chaos, and have some fun". The elf was silent, he was thinking about this outrageous idea. He then said "Ok, we'll let you meet and devour Rick, but nothing comes without a price". "What's what you want?", Said Gangamamer. "We'll take the slain body of the first great dragon that you kill". And then  the deal was done. Gangamamer though that they wanted it for armors and weapons, since dragon bodies were like a treasure themselves.

    Next day, Rick was asked to teach a promising orc the art of the sword. Since they didn't have any training grounds in which they could train in secret ('cause there WERE training grounds, but where destined to train warriors and made then fight, not one on one, but an army battle), they went to a near forest, and the slime began his teachings. Nothing he knew of the trap that was set. The orc wasn't sme kind of novice, and when Rick suggested to learn a little more while sparring, he went all out. Rick though that, while it was an intense fight, wasn't really a danger to him, but a human sorceress suddenly appeared and casted ice 8 on his feet. Rick lost balance, and at the same moment, the orc impaled him with the sword. Fast as lightning, Gangamamer made his move. He fell from the sky at two times terminal speed (maybe three or one, not really sure, physics were weird that day), and with ground, ice and sword ate SSS.

    Next day, after a night of testing his new power (he didn't have a lot of, just being able of breathing fire and double hawk sigh 'cause, you know, dragon  supremacy and things like that, not need of more power), he went to th royal palace of royal royalty, palace as big as New York.

    "Wait wait", I said to the man whose calm voice was telling me the story, "What's a New York?". "It's something that you wouldn't understand, young man. Let's just say that it was really big, 'cause of the dragons, you see", he answered, and continued his story:

    It was not a bizarre sight seeing a not to high level dragon going into the palace, there were times when they were bored and just wanted to see something fun that only the five great elemental dragons could though off. So he went to visit the fire dragon, Avel (rumors said that he was the demon lord of some weird dimension, don't ask), who was said to be the weakest of the leaders ('cause of the dimension shift).

    They talked a lot, what were they doing in their everyday life, fun things to make do to the slaves, and so on. Suddenly, Gangamamer attaked, but Avel more or less expected it, and a fierce fight began.

    Young one, it was a fierce fight, the kind of fight that you must see, and time is wasted trying to reconstruct the actions that took place there, so i'm not gonna tell you a thing.

    "What? Are you kidding?", I said. "No, I want to finish this story before lunch you know, and this fights were, if not long, too complicated to tell", said the man, and continued:

    The thing is, Avel was slain, and the council of six appeared, and with an hypercube (whose invention is attributed to someone called Red Mage), they took the headless body of Avel. Gangamamer hadn't even recieved a scratch, and since the fight must had been heard. He proceeded to kill the other four.

    Same shit, different dragon, just that this time, the ice, wind, and lightning dragon were devoured by Gangamamer (someone says that he raped the bodies too, but the wind dragon was the only woman and they had sex before the battle). Just as he was going to fight the earth dragon, whose name was Brongaa (honoring an ancient dragon god, Brongaa of the Purgatory). A rumble was heard from the skies. A thousand lightnings-things fell from there, transmiting something that, at the eye, could only be interpreted as raw data, into everything. Gangamamer and Brongaa were no exception, and they felt that their powers, strengh, and overall stats, were dramaticaly decreasing. The leader of the council of six suddenly appeared, and Brongaa felt something inside of him, something that was not right. This elf then said. "Greetings, my friends, my name is Robertus, and today I'm here to take my place at the top of the food chain, to be the supreme ruler of this world. How, do you ask? It is a known that dragons bodies are a huge pile of treasures, specially the heart, a mass of pure energy. A dimesion traveler called Yamimagari Pakuaki once said to me that with enough energy, it was possible to rewrite the scenario of the world, and I just did that. I made to modifications: the first, to downgrade the power level of the dragons, and then, the power to rule over them. I wanted the power to rule over every living being, but there was not the necessary energy inside Avel, and I needed to strip the dragons of their potential of an uprising at future, sacrificing one of then to rewrite once again the world". The two dragons were speechless. Robertus then said to the two to bow down to him, but only Brongaa did it.

    You see, absorbing Rick and then loosing most of his dragon power, Gangamamer was not a dragon at that moment, it was some kind of hybrid, like a mule, but cool.

    He tried to escape as fast as he could, but a high sorcerer came and stripped Gangamamer of his wings with a spear called tonbogiri, and proceeded to seal him in a chest.

    The chest was thrown into the Eldric Sea, and the elves began an all-out attack, mounting dragons and conquering the world, that day was the fall of the Dragon Empire.

    The man finished his story, and said "If you want to hear how the elf empire was destroyed, and how I broke free, come tomorrow". "You... broke free? Don't tell me that..." "Amnesia dust!!", said the man, an threw some kind of dust, which did nothing to me, he the said to me "Ok, today, I'll pay for your drinks, but stop thinking about what I said" "Deal", I said, and asked for another bottle of rum and something to eat.

  8. With my awful skills in both drawing and image edition, i created this beautiful picture!!!




    So, yeah, my theory is that batman's father and mother were killed by Xavier with the butterfly effect. I'm working in the how batman arrived to this wolrd and things like that, but in 30-40 years i'll make this a playable route.

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