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Posts posted by Norticus97

  1. If you just want to read games, look up things like "AGTH" or "visual novel reader" (I've not tried the latter but hear that it's amazing). If you use those programs with something like Translation aggregator (using the Mecab and/or JParser japanese dictionaries), you can actually get the program to show you the readings of Kanji in Hiragana, Katakana, or even romaji (IE: the english alphabet).

    On the other hand, if you're serious about learning kanji, you might get lucky and have a community college or something nearby that offers some Japanese classes; there may also be some online courses as well that I am not aware of. I personally practiced with a phone app called "Obenkyo" for a while to study my kanji since it breaks down the kanji into JLPT levels and let's you select a customized group of them to test yourself with. I used it to practice both writing and reading and managed to ace my kanji tests back in college thanks to it, so it might be worthwhile to check out as an option since it's a completely free app.



    You could say that. Koihime Musou made Kazuto into the leader of Shoku (AKA Shu) by having him replace Ryuubi (AKA Liu Bei), after which he basically assimilates all the other factions as well. In this game, the factions stay separate and you get to choose which route to follow. To compensate for each route being entirely separate entities this time around, the developers have just about doubled the number of characters in the game, so there is a lot of new content to look forward to.



    Without giving too much away. Every ending is very different. Some are happy and some are sad, but I love all of them for what they are, so I think it's worth it to check them all out.

    i tried to use translation aggregator but with Mecab said Failed to initialize MeCab and with JParser said No dictionaries loaded

    i don't know if i use it right,i use it with ITH,i saw in a video on youtube but it's not working

  2. The original (Koihime Musou) is only a Shu route, where the protag takes the place of Liu Bei. Shin Koihime Musou has Shu, Wu, Wei routes and an "Other" route, and you don't take the place of the rulers, so Liu Bei, Cao Cao and Sun Jian are all in the game. So yeah, it's a lot lot bigger.


    Only thing worse in Shin Koihime, in my opinion, is the ending. I like the original ending so much more.

    if you don't mind can you tell me if the other endings are like the Gi ending?




    Most modern Japanese text will have hiragana, katakana, and kanji intermixed, eroge included. VNs tend not to have furigana options, but you can use text-hooking programs like Visual Novel Reader and ITH to assist in reading. If your vocabulary and understanding of grammar is decent, you could be able to get by with that.


    Also this is pedantic, but those aren't alphabets. Hiragana and Katakana are syllabaries, not alphabets, and Kanji is a logographic script, the same category as egyptian hieroglyphics, which is VERY different. 


  4. This game is rather unforgiving to those new to the language (as I was when I first started). There is definitely hiragana and kanji, but I would read on to hear a few warnings about how they've written their scripts.

    1) This game's kanji does not use furigana in any way (It does not show the readings of the kanji when they use more obscure ones), so you had better have access to a text hooker or a dictionary if you aren't comfortable with kanji readings.

    2) they use many outdated kanji and phrases. (無い instead of just ない for example)

    3) there is next to no katakana so the dialogue is often very outdated Japanese instead of the more modern counterparts that mimic English words. (take that as you will, but don't expect anyone but Kazuto to use modern words like that unless someone else heard him use it beforehand.)

    thanks for advice,even if i can't speak japanese,thanks to the animes i've watched i can understand if i hear it,but i want to learn to read because there is to much dialogue that is not dubbed. 


    PS;those warnings are just for this game or every eroge is like that?

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