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This forum exists to keep the community updated on current projects, and to accept proposals for site improvements.
Please navigate to the Project Requests Board (a sub-forum) and create a topic detailing your proposed project.  Any member should feel free to comment and discuss these requests.  If a project is approved, it will be marked as such, and a corresponding topic will be created in this forum to track its progress.
Each approved topic will begin with one of four tags indicating their status:
  • [Completed]
  • [Dropped]
  • [in Progress]
  • [Ongoing]
The whole purpose of this forum is to make these projects transparent so we can get feedback, as well as encourage people to help out.  If there’s a project that you’d like to contribute to, let us know inside that topic!  Similarly, please leave feedback inside the topics themselves!  If topics get too congested or large, we can deal with it.  
The “Fuwanovel Improvements Forum” is not the place to report site bugs or technical glitches.   Site issues and feedback still go in the Technical Issues and Feedback forum.
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(Copied from Announcement)


Hey everybody,

The Fuwanovel Improvements Forum debuted earlier this month and—in my opinion—holds a lot of promise. When this section was announced, I explained that I hoped it would allow for greater transparency and discussion as regards site projects, as well as offer site developers a chance to share information about their efforts. We’ve seen the beginnings of both these things, and I’m very grateful to everybody who has contributed.

This announcement serves to let you know that we're making a few more changes to the Improvements forum. Changes include:

  • We’ve made topics for all site components and will be using them to track work/discussion. These topics are aimed to make things more transparent and allow for feedback.
  • We want everybody to know they’re welcome to volunteer and help out wherever they’d like; all they need to do is vocalize feedback/desire to participate in the appropriate topic.
  • We’ve created a “Feedback Registry”: a list of members who are willing to check out new features/modifications and offer feedback to help site workers

I hope that many of you will join the Feedback Registry. This is something any member can voluntarily sign up for. The premise is simple: when changes are made to some part of the site, we want to have a list of people to contact who are willing to check it out, and then offer feedback. That’s all we ask: be willing to check out features and then share your thoughts. If you’re willing to do this, please sign up. 

These changes are being made in part because they align with Fuwanovel’s core values and how Aaeru was always willing to accept help from the community, and in part to deal with her absence. If anybody has any questions, concerns or feedback, please feel free to post them here.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Please remember that feedback is key to this forum’s success! Please take some time to read through projects, comment, and give us feedback. Only by doing so will Fuwanovel continue to grow and improve!

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