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Touhou Characters #6 - Usami Sumireko





Sumireko Usami is a human from the outside world dealing in all sorts of psychic powers. She's a highschooler.

She's the first president of the Secret Sealing Club, which mainly investigates the existence of other worlds, including Gensokyo and the Moon. It's also the club where two of my most beloved touhou characters (Maribel and Renko) belong to, albeit in a different timeline.

She's the perpetrator behind the Urban Legend in Limbo incident- Temporarily using her powers to enter Gensokyo as a shadow and spreading occult balls that, when gathered, teleport the person holding them to the outside world for a short amount of time. She has a haughty personality and looks down on other people as inferior to her- She pretty much created her Secret Sealing Club as an excuse not to get any friends, lol.

After the incident she created, it seems like she adquired a certain respect for the inhabitants of Gensokyo, though. Currently, she spends her days in the outside world and uses her astral projection ability to spend her nights in Gensokyo while her body is asleep.

Her powers include telekinesis, teleporting, control of fire and water, psychokinesis, levitation and astral projection... Though they're not limited to that. 

As far as powerlevels go, it's hard to rate her, as is with most fighting game characters. She does manage to defeat Shinmyoumaru Sukuna, the perpetrator behind the Double Dealing Character incident... But most of her other fights seem to end up in ties. She does stand toe to toe with several strong characters, so she should be in the upper tier of touhou powerlevels. She does also have a great theme.

And so I leave you with a violing arrangement of that theme, Last Occultism ~ Esotericist of the Present World.



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