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Utawarerumono Mask of Deception



First, I should note that this is the first half of the game and as such, it might be wise to wait until the second half comes out in September before trying it.  Second, this game is based some time (around sixteen to nineteen years) after the original Utawarerumono in the much larger nation of Yamato, on the continent across the sea.  For those who don't want spoilers about the original game, STOP HERE.

Second, I will note the differences between the anime and the game.  There are numerous small and large differences in the progression of the story, but the biggest differences pop up in the Uzurusha campaign and later, when almost none of the events with Vurai in that campaign exist in the game.  This leads to the biggest difference between the two... in the anime, Haku goes from looking like a guy who is lazy but reliable in a pinch to a naive idiot due to the events in Uzurusha, but in the game, that doesn't happen, so Haku, from beginning to end, is reliable and actually has an iron will under the surface.  As such, the part of the anime that was most displeasing to me didn't exist in the game, lol.

Now, for the most direct spoiler of the original: 


Kuon is Yuzuha and Hakuoro's daughter. 

That spoiler is the most obvious thing in the world to anyone who played the original, and it is the primary reason why anyone who hasn't played the original should before playing these games... though there are other reasons involved. 

In terms of gameplay, this game is light years ahead of the original, because, while individuals gain experience through attacking, a certain amount of experience (large enough to gain at least a level) is automatically gained at the end of the battle.  This eases the burden of grinding to its lowest possible level while still giving you reason to (for BP to upgrade basic stats like speed, attack, and defense for characters who lack in those areas).  As such, it doesn't feel like the game interrupts the story at all, as there is no real need to do excessive grinding during the course of the game.

In terms of story... this game is pretty good, even as jrpg/VN hybrids go.  While I can't say I was satisfied with how things turned out, that is because this game is split into two parts.  As such, I can just shrug and say that I can't fully judge the story until I've played the second part.  I will say that I was smiling through most of the game, and the emotional moments hit me properly, making me shed tears for the characters.  Perhaps the biggest difference between this and the original game is that this one has a far less grim atmosphere from the beginning.  Hakuoro, in the original, is caught up in the tides of war and strife from the beginning, and as a result, everything he does is colored by that.  Haku is a far more easygoing soul, and that colors the game significantly, taking it in a different direction... at least for this installment. 


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