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About this blog

Here you'll be able to find plenty of stuff I do to entertain myself in my free time. Some of it is rather random, admittedly.

Entries in this blog

Jumping on the Bandwagon

As I'm a very cool and modern person, I make sure to always keep up with the latest fads, so here's HuniePop, several months after it dying down. There's absolutely no worthwhile content in this spoiler. You'll only find a source of noise and footage from a game you should probably be playing yourself, if you're so interested as to resort to watching this. Please excuse me then...

Mr Poltroon

Mr Poltroon

Violet Hill Playthrough - Episodes 1 to 4

I've always wanted to make a playthrough of a visual novel. You see... it turns out, and I only just found out myself, this is a Visual Novel forum, which by extension means I should also show some love to VN's, lest I be cast aside. With that said, I chose these lovely chaps to turn into my first target: http://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/2957-violet-hill-community-based-visual-novel-project-demo-released/ I assure you no bribery was involved. Now, since there's absolutely no vo

Mr Poltroon

Mr Poltroon


Edit: I have uploaded it either way, so enjoy. In the process of recording myself playing Higurashi, it seems I didn't do enough testing beforehand and recorded nearly an hour of a pretty much blank screen. However, sound and music are just fine, and I read aloud every single line (no voices). Would anyone still be interested in seeing me play/read this? *posts on the blog where nobody ever reads* Sample of my technical issues: Now then, if you'll excuse me while I despair over t

Mr Poltroon

Mr Poltroon

Mr. Poltroon's Romance Manga

I was just about to do something productive. Thank god I thought to do this instead. Please feel free to recommend me romance manga, or ask for recommendations. I'd be happy to provide, or be provided with. This thread is to form a couple with this one, for I am somewhat well-versed in both areas: To begin with, it is important to highlight a few tags, which I'll be using for organisational purposes. Be fairly warned. I do not know what constitutes as a spoiler to you,

Mr Poltroon

Mr Poltroon

"Curing" and "Changing" Characters are my Favourite Plotpoints in a Story

What would say if I told you that my pure self likes a VN about raising a slave? Let me explain my rationale. I have found that, in stories, one of the things I like most is "helping/curing" characters in whatever way possible, and that that help distinctly affects the person in question. This directly translates to my favourite types of heroines: Kuuderes and Tsunderes. Haruka in Never7 is a girl who is not particularly good at communicating, but the entirety of her route is spent on f

Mr Poltroon

Mr Poltroon

Fureraba Playthrough #2 - Common Route

This post will contain mild spoilers (though nothing really happens in it, so it's not really spoilers) for the common route section. Because of the large amount of screenshots, I've decided to make Hiiragi's specific events their own segment. I might even divide it between her events and the talk conversations. And I think I'll leave my screenshot spam at that.  

Mr Poltroon

Mr Poltroon

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