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About this blog

This blog will have a monthly post with all of the month's FuwaReviews, and will have a post somewhere around the end of each month!

Entries in this blog

FuwaReviews - October 2015 [NSFW]

Since I don't have anything set up to get pretty images, we're gonna have to make do with title screen images and links for this month.  Next month will be shinier, promise! Here are all of the FuwaReviews for the month of October, 2015.  Pretty solid month, overall.  Some solid 8/10 titles that you should definitely look into, and some stuff that's more "If you like this genre, then maybe you'll like this."  I'd like to offer a huge thank you to our Community Submissions this month - Zakamutt,



Welcome to FuwaReviews!

Hello everybody!  Ryechu here~ I decided to go ahead and do a monthly recap of all the FuwaReviews released by our in-house team.  October's Recap will be up in the next day or so.  I am interested in feedback in regard to how everybody would like to see this formatted.  Should I use images with the Pros/Cons and the score and make the image clickable (which is mostly just a bunch of image copy/pasting on Paint.net for me), or would you prefer just an image of the game cover/title screen (In oth



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