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Can't seem to unlock Steel Saga in Chou Dengeki Stryker


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Topic. Yes I know it's a very simple thing to do but it doesn't seem to want to unlock for me. I've beaten the Zero, Heaven, Sky and Love routes and followed the walkthrough on Gamefaqs and here (/index.php?/topic/7227-cho-dengeki-stryker/">http://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/7227-cho-dengeki-stryker/) but it still won't unlock.


After the "go shopping with Rin" option, there is the flower-viewing with Rin, and then Mirror appears in Episode 8. (Episode 7 is Mamorubekimono "What should be protected") When I save anytime after Episode 8, the save screen tells me I am on the Zero Saga route.


I started a completely new game from scratch (via the "From Start" option) in the main menu, but this still happens.


Anyone can help me out? I'd like to finish the other routes in the game as well. 



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