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Guide: AVG32 for iOS (Waffle app)


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AVG32 was the predecessor to Key's Reallive engine, and there has been a port to iOS for quite some time now. Credits to this post for pointing me the right direction.


What you need:

  1. Jailbroken iOS Device (iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad)
  2. A Windows PC
  3. One of supported VNs installed into your Computer
  4. I-Funbox (Or any other way to transfer data onto your phone)


Preparing the Data:

  1. Grab the voice converter, data converter and the AVC files.
  2. Extract the AVC files somewhere.
  3. Run the Data Converter (avgconv.exe), if you'd like to see the progress, use a command line prompt to launch it.
  4. The first popup is prompting you to choose the AVC file. Pick the AVC file that corresponds to your game, e.g (AIR, Kanon). (If you want better quality images, open the AVC up with a text editor and change a line to VGA=1) The second prompt is for where the game is installed into.
  5. Once the process finishes, you should end up with a WLK2XX.AVD file, with XX representing the game's number. (Which means it varies)
  6. run the voice converter and point it at the game's KOE folder, and a KOE.pac should be produced.
  7. Convert all the .wav files inside the BGM folder into mp3 files. (e.g. using lame)
  8. Make a folder, name it appropriately, and place your WLK2XX.AVD file inside, put all your converted files from the BGM folder as well as your KOE.pac inside the WLK2XX folder, with XX once again representing your game's number. (If unsure check your WLK2XX.AVD). Oh, and also chuck your preferred font file into the game folder along with the .AVD file with the name of default.ttf (recommended font)

Installing the app:

  1. Grab this file
  2. Edit the Info.plist and edit the CFBundleIdentifier, from com.ipodons.waffle to something like com.waffle.wlk2xx or something
  3. Edit the line in SDLAppParam.plist from  WLK2XX.AVD to the name of your AVD file, e.g. WLK2TH.AVD
  4. Edit the line in SDLAppParam.plist from  "/var/mobile/Media/ons/WLK2XX" to the appropriate location in the phone, eg "/var/mobile/Media/ons/WLK2TH"
  5. Via your preferred way, transfer your converted data to your phone to the location you specified in the last step.
  6. Lastly, open up the zip file from the first step, and transfer it to the "/Applications" folder. Give it  777 permissions
  7. Reboot or respring your iDevice
  8. Have fun :)




List of Supported Games:

00. Kanon
01. Kanonデモ
01. Kanon_Sデモ
02. Kanon全年齢版
03. AIR
04. AIRデモ
04. AIR_Sデモ
05. SenseOff
06. SenseOffデモ
07. Ribbon2
08. フロレアール
09. PureHeart
10. 恋愛CHU!デモ(TechGIAN版)
10. 恋愛CHU!デモ(Web版)
11. 好き好き大好き!
13. 檸檬
14. 姉妹妻
15. flowers
16. さよならを教えてデモ
17. ねがい
18. 恋ごころ
19. 白濁姫
20. 継母調教
21. effect
22. さよならを教えて
23. SenseOff体験版
24. すわっぷAふぉ〜B
26. いいなり
27. バレリーナ
28. 陵辱同窓会
29. 絶望
30. 恋愛CHU!
31. 魔薬
32. BabyFace
33. 注射器2デモ
34. 注射器2
35. 湮滅
37. ススキノハラの約束
38. MIND
39. ススキノハラの約束デモ(Web版)
40. 入院
41. 許嫁
42. 満つる月
43. セラフィム・スパイラル デモ
44. 密猟区2
45. 発情カルテ デモ
46. 発情カルテ
47. 最強彼氏
48. DEVOTE デモ
49. 檸檬 デモ
50. 密猟区
51. Queen of Darkside
52. 少女
53. 未来にキスをデモ
54. 雛ちゃんの唄声
55. お姫様だっこ
56. 養父
57. 逃亡者
58. 姉妹妻DEMO
59. Care
60. Repeat
61. 家元
62. 拷問遊戯 *** 動作せず ***
63. 朧月都市
64. セラフィム・スパイラル
65. 未来にキスを
66. 涙
67. 面会謝絶
68. 罪と罰!
69. 陵辱バスツアー
70. アトリエ
71. 偽善
72. 飼
75. 僕の為に鐘は鳴る
76. WORM
78. めるとも!デモ
79. めるとも!
80. もっとLOVECHU!
81. Siesta 〜すすき野原の恋物語〜
82. FirstLive
83. 飼育中
84. パラノイア
85. 縛
86. 持ち物検査
87. 犬
88. 八ケ池
89. 蜘蛛つかい
A0. 48-図形の恋-
A1. 吐溜
A2. 無惨
A3. 嬌烙の館
A4. 裏稼業
A5. しーまにあ
A6. みせたがり *** 動作せず ***
A7. 骸 *** 動作せず ***
A8. 玩弄
A9. 箱娘
AA. よこどり
AB. 絶望2000

(If you've noticed, the numbers correspond to WLK2XX number you get)


Unofficially Supported games (Not applicable to the above method):

1. Triangle Heart

2. Sore wa Maichiru Sakura no Youni

3. ToHeart2(PS2 Ver.)
4. ever17
5. Bless

(They each have their own instructions, if you really want to know perhaps just ask.)


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