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Posts posted by pandaman123

  1. Are you running your computer with Japan system locale? (link to instructions): Yes
    Game Name: Air
    Description of Problem: Blackscreen
    Your Operating System: Windows 7 
    64 or 32 bit (link to how to find): 64
    What did you already try? (Uninstall/Reinstall, Redownload, Run as admin, etc): none of the previously stated affect
    Did you download your game from Fuwanovel?: Yes


    Hi, so I'm having a problem with Air. When I run the game in full screen and exit, the screen turns black after the exit and stays locked up like that unless I force restart the whole computer. I assume the computer itself is locked up since I have tried removing usb ports and no sound was made signifying their removal. This has actually happened before on a couple other vn's. It does not affect the vn start up or during, only after I exit. Thanks


    Edit: I am unable to switch back to windowed, so I am stuck in full screen permanently. If I switch, the screen goes to black and just stays. 

  2. Hi, I made an account just to tell you that I'm really glad you're translating this. This VN looks really good, and I haven't read MoeNovel's translation yet, but after all the criticism it has received, I am not really wanting to read that version. Hopefully, you will continue to fully translate this, so thanks for all the hard work  :)

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