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Posts posted by ImperialRex

  1. Well, I'm not sure if it helps, but you can also use exwatfopck to extract those BIN files you were talking about (1,107 of them) from Script.sdat. These seem to have Japanese text in them (what I assume are lines from the VN), so they may be files you want. I'm not really sure.

    It works, thanks. And the text inside is really the text in the VN. 「由綺は今年さ、学園祭来られそう?」 means something like: Is Yuki coming to the school festival? (sorry I'm not native english)

    Thanks again.

  2. Hi, I need some help, recently I downloaded White Album -Tsuzurareru Fuyu no Omoide- for PC

    And I try to use  the tools in this thread, I extracted the data from the pck file with "exwatfopck"

    I found .bin files that contain voices, sounds, images but the text scripts. Then I look for those scripts, I found file: "scripts.sdat" (not  .dat). I opened with 010 editor and I found something, first of all the top show me some meaningless katakanas, then around the line 1150h I noticed some words, and beggining i didn't understand, but then I realize that says: P00110.MES.BIN.

    P00120.MES.BIN...... and continue until the line 5220h. Then finalice with the words: SCRIPT.FLAG.... pack

    Then in the line 7500h I found the text of the game 「由綺は今年さ、学園祭来られそう?」

    So I want a tool to extract the text from the sdat file, i look in google but I only found tools to nds and ps3 but those tools don't work. I leave you the sdat file, so you can find a tool or build a new one. Scrpt


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