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Posts posted by Laminxar

  1. I assume that this screen shot (Finally figured out how to work with it) will pop up and help you guys know what the problem could be.


    Again, I already know how to put my system and time locale to Japanese (It's still on that setting as we speak). I have re-downloaded the game, and had no luck on figuring out why the font is like this.


    I don't care if it's not in english, I just need to have Flight Diary working properly, font-wise.



  2. Hello to you guys as well!


    Yes, my system locale is already set to Japanese. I'm currently redownloading the VN through separate 500mb files instead to see it that'll help, and the english patch is not out yet, I know (A wound to my heart as well -.-).


    I am using Visual Novel Reader for this as it works out pretty well with other VNs.


    The problem was probably the game files itself since I had downloaded a nokey dvd crack for it, as it requires one to play and such.


    And the font for the game is the same as it was in the first IMMHW, so whatever font that was, it was the same in that.



    Anymore ideas will help me out!

  3. I'm going to state the obvious here with what the title says, and that's just it.
    I've gone through a few threads and forums about this fandisk and I enjoyed the first one greatly! The story was fantastic and like every other person out there who loves this game, will want to read the second one as well.
    I've downloaded a few torrents of the game and a nokey dvd crack for this and... Well, the game works, but there is a lack of any readable text. All of the words are what looks to be in coding format, not even Japanese.


    Is there a way to fix this?


    I wish I could upload a screen shot of it, but I'm new here and I've yet to master all of the things provided on here.


    So, some help would be greatly appreciated here...


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