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Posts posted by EliteShadowMan

  1. Pretty decent, could be KyoAni's redemption depending on the direction the plot takes but it's not a school setting and the characters aren't too bad.

    It's mostly comedy with some drama, could have romance but hasn't hinted at it thus far.


    I don't think the plot's really going to get all that deep. Seems like it'll just be a more comedy focused show with fan service on the side. I ain't complaining though, Sento is a babe.

  2. Black lines and black bars everywhere.

    Well surprisingly the latest episode does not censor the gore, then again most of it came from the cockroaches so I guess the censorship department doesn't give 2 shit with humanoid monsters gore....


    I really was hoping it wasn't going to be this censored. Shouldn't have got my hopes up even after seeing some screenshots of the censors lol.

  3. Attack On Titan.


    Really wanting to start "Monster" after this since it seems interesting.


    considering following the UBW anime f/sn since I finished UBW route in the VN a few hours ago.


    Monster is amazing, and you'll definitely like it if you can handle a show being slow paced. But it's so worth it.

  4. M-maybe that's for the best, too. ._. Valvrave seems to become more and more "over-the-top" as the show goes along, even counting near the end where it gets REALLY over-the-top (seriously, WTF

    Ep 21

    ). This made it really hard for me to take watching the anime seriously throughout, so it's definitely a flaw. I felt like the plot was too convoluted and all over the place (most events all felt rather forced as they were presented), that it'd need about 4 or 5 seasons to fit it all in a more diluted fashion. To boot, this manages to ruin the character development (in to which there hardly is any for the most important character) because the attention is directed exactly towards the plot and its misgivings.

    I still hold to the fact that it did very well in some other areas, but those areas are most definitely neither the character and plot aspects, which I feel are the biggest priority for any developing anime.


    Definitely. I still think it's enjoyable to an extent (think I gave the first season a 6-7/10), but at the same time it's lacking in a lot of areas. Plus, watching them fight the same people for most of the show was kind of a let down. You'd think someone would die after a few battles against eachother lol.

  5. Finished Kakumeiki Valvrave and now on to watching Suisei no Gargantia. Sci-fi/Mecha glory.

    Valvrave was pretty good (aesthetics, fight scenes, music, overall entertainment value), but I do have some hold-ups with it (most but not all aspects to the characters and plot) that prevent me from regarding it as anything higher than, let's say, '7/10 material' for anime. Oh yeah, and Valvrave is one of the most utterly "WTF" things I've watched recently so I recommend the anime to anyone who loves those types of experiences.

    As far as Gargantia goes, the originality of the premise presentation has me so hooked that I may end up marathon'ing the whole show in one session. ^^


    I marathoned the first season in one sitting, got halfway through the second season and just can't finish it! The characters aren't that great, and I find the fighting to be rather boring for a mecha. 


    Finished the 2nd Berserk movie and enjoyed it. Will probably watch the 3rd one sometime tonight if I find the time.

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