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Posts posted by Via

  1. I think it was a good read nevertheless, but if you really can't stand this kind of ending you can aways wait on the Memorial Edition, which has an alternate ending (currently being translated).

    It was a good read, yeah. I enjoyed it a lot. Of course I prefer the other type of ending, but this kind of depressing stuff isn't too bad once in a while. And besides, leaving aside some things, it was a happy end too.

  2. Nice, P3 is my favourite RPG of all times xD

    Did you know they're making a movie? My guess is that there are going to be four movies (much like Kara no Kyoukai).. The PV seems amazing =D

    Yup, I saw the PV, looks amazing.

    Atlus, the company that makes the Shin Megami Tensei games (Persona in them) said that they were going to make 3 P3 movies. Also, if you like Persona you should watch the Devil Survivor 2 anime that is coming out this season.

    ...Well, this thread was about "VNs you're playing", so...

    *Persona 3 has VN elements*

    Ok, that counts ^_^

  3. Clannad, Fate AND Tomoyo after... Good times xD

    They're all amazing (in my humble opinion), I hope you'll like it. BTW, that avatar of yours is from P3?

    THE Nyx from P3, owner of one of the greatest battle themes I've ever heard.

    I, too, took a little time between each of the three Fate/Stay Night routes the first time I went through them, and I'm glad I did. Each one builds on the previous story and gives new information, but they're each surprisingly different. Coming back to it fresh and refreshed will be a great choice.

    Yeah, after finishing it I decided to wait a little to play Unlimited Blade works, both because I wanted to go back to it fresh AND because I felt it'd be rather long and I wanted to finish some other things first.

  4. Time for me to make an appearance!

    So, I believe it'd be fun to work with people here at Fuwanovel to create a VN. I didn't read every idea because of my current time issue, but they all seem pretty good so far. I, personally, keep coming with ideas for VNs I'll probably never write, so I'll share one of them with you quickly and I'll return with others soon.

    This is one of the most normal-ish ideas I've come up with.

    The game would be divided in two "paths", not actually routes as you can select these paths on the main menu, and each one of them leads to the story of a different character. These characters are Boy and Girl (names pending, obviously), and it'd basically be a short romance story told from the point of view of these two. Each one faces their own hardships, problems, deals with other relationships, giving 2 or 3 choices per path that could lead to a Bad End. The objective would be to reach the good end on both paths, and then an Epilogue Chapter would be unlocked in the main manu for players to see the end of the story.

    This is a short, simple idea that wouldn't require much to write. I came up with it yesterday after seeing this thread. Hope you think it's any good.

  5. There is a forum called Lemmasoft that gathers all these internet VN devs people. I personally don't like too much the community, but it's a good place to find resources, get advice and know more about this whole VN creation business.

    I've been trying to make a VN for a while (one big failed attempt in the past), but me and my team are close to releasing a game (finally). It's a weird mixture between the Higurashi horror and the conspiracy themes shown in 5pb. works (such as Steins;Gate), of course, in a more amateur-ish manner.

    It's hard work, but fun in the end.

  6. With what? the story, the cg?

    Mostly not being too cohesive between routes, being too long in certain parts and everything a good reviewer may say. I was talking through the general point of view though, as I don't really care about any of those. In fact, I find it enjoyable.

    I loved every route and I can't really declare any favorites. Kotori's because... well, Kotori is cute as hell and everything was depressing till the end until "that" final scene. Then we have Chihaya's, which was EPIC. Some may not like it because of the lack of romance, but I personally loved the epicness that route brought with it. Shizuru's was pretty normal and I was kind of disappointed at the fact that Kotarou didn't do much, but the ending made it great in the end. Lucia's... wow, romance was all over the place in that route. The most romantic route in this VN. Weird, considering Ryukishi's style... And finally Akane's, which was probably the most interesting one of all... because of many reasons.

    Oh, and Moon and Terra which were flawless.

    Something really un-Key like, but awesome because of it.

    Again I say: this is my favorite VN at the moment!

    P.S: I loved LB too. Rewrite surpassed it by a hair.

  7. Hello, welcome to the Fuwanovel Community.If you have any questions, feel free to ask.Oh and stick with Rewrite, its EPIC!!

    I surely will! Amigo!

    I haven't played the persona series so I didn't know ^^Thanks.. I think I'll download it once it finishes.. Unfortunately though, the Little Busters VN did not make me cry, unlike Clannad.. I think it is highly emotional, and the story was awesome.. But still, I don't know ^^ Haha..

    LB didn't make you cry?!?!?! Well, yeah, it wasn't as emotional as Clannad, otherwise known as a SVN (suicidal visual novel), so I can understand. And you should play the Persona series. That, with the whole Shin Megami Tensei franchise, is one of my favorite games... EVER!

    Hi, welcome to Fuwanovel ^^I finished LB a few days ago and it certainly one of the best VNs I've played. I know the anime it's worse than the VN, but I started the anime before the VN, and now I've already finished the VN, but I'll keep watching the anime. It's well done and I love the art.If the VN is 10/10, the anime would be 8/10 in my opinion

    7/10 in my fair, LB-loving opinion. Still a good rank.

    Yeah, I felt like I needed to reply to everything. And just so you know, my primary language is Spanish, so my English may be a little awkward sometimes.

  8. Ah, yes, I am. And quite frankly, it does pales... A LOT. I still like the anime, but the VN is much, much better. Quite frankly, I don't know how are they going to fit the important parts of the story with the amount of chapters they have left without making it feel rushed...

  9. Let's see... Found fuwan simply searching in google where could I download certain VNs. I've been playing VNs for a while now. My first VN was an indie VN called Brass Restoration, my first pro VN was Da Capo and my favorite VN right now is Little Busters!, but my overall opinion may change if Rewrite continues being as good as it has been for me until now.

  10. I'm loving this VN right now!

    And to defend a little the bad opinion many have on the hillarious silly comedy on the common route (still remember the Yoshino song), I believe it was made that way in order to make a contrast with the rest of the game. It's just silly everyday life with some serious stuff here and there. Those who have played the VN would know how it differs from the actual routes.

    Anyway, personally I love the comedy and how much of a troll our friend Koutarou can be.


  11. Hello there, your friendly neighbor Via here! Writer, comedian sometimes, living in the deepest parts of South America.

    I've been downloading VNs and patchs from Fuwanovel here since forever and I decided to join the forums for some talks.

    Nice to meetcha!

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