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Posts posted by Sen

  1. So...

    Just finished Kurugaya's route and I definitely didn't expect that twist. LOL Groundhog Day

    :D There are some subtle hints like that deja vu thing, and it's definitely(?) part of a much bigger scheme that I've yet to discover, but man that was a good one. I felt bittersweet about her ending though, but I've read that her true ending unlocks once Refrain is finished so I'll keep on playing. As for the pairings, I'm all for KurugayaXNaoe now, but obviously there's still Rin... so I hope her route is much better than Kurugaya's.

    I'm not regretting my decision to play this one, that's for sure. :)

  2. ok thanks for the tip now do you know how can i access to the font options of the little busters game ? i have using applocal to launch the game ... thanks for the answer ...

    If you're on the main menu choose "Config" from the 4 options (or when you're in-game, right click and choose "Settings) and then look for the "Choose font" on the right side of the settings screen. It's near the "Text speed" controls. That should solve it.

    I'll go ahead and recommend that you download the Little Busters! EXperimental EXtra Version 1.0 patch to solve the word-wrapping for the game, that is if ever you get irritated by some text that suddenly get cut off midway through the sentence. Don't forget to back up the GAMEEXE.INI and SEEN.TXT files before applying the patch. :D

  3. My choice would be Fate/Stay Night. I brushed it off at first since I was looking for a VN similar to Clannad, but thank goodness I continued playing it. Logged in around 100 hours in less than a month and the sleepless nights were worth it. Overall, it was the best experience I had with a VN (so far), but for a specific route it would have to go to...

    Coco's route from Ever17. Mindfck at its finest. It's one of the best revelations that I've witnessed in a long time.

  4. I'm glad someone posted a Honey & Clover quote here. Lots of quotable quotes on that one. :D Here's two of my favorite lines from the series:

    Is something that will disappear the same as something that never existed?

    As time passes, the day will come when everything will fade to memories. But, those miraculous days, when you and I, along with everyone else, searched together for just that one thing, will continue revolving forever somewhere deep in my heart as my bittersweet memory.

    ... aaannnddd cue Suneohair's "Waltz".

  5. 1) In general, would you prefer Japanese or English voice acting in localized visual novels originating from Japan (assuming quality of the voice acting isn't an issue)?

    - Japanese voice with English text

    My main reason for this is that I'm studying Japanese (bit by bit over the years), so it helps me practice in that I listen to the voice acting and compare it with what's written in the text. If at some point I'm already good enough to be fluent in Japanese, then my answer would change to "no preference".

    2) Do you prefer VNs originating in Japan or OELVNs (VNs developed by Westerners)

    - Japanese

    Got introduced to VNs by a couple of Japanese titles and the more popular (and good) ones talked about on the internet are almost exclusively Japanese-made ones. I'm looking for some good Western VNs though, so feel free to recommend me some :D

    3) If you prefer Japanese voice acting, why? (you may select more than one choice)

    - I'm a Japanese culture aficionado

    - I'm studying Japanese

    No surprise here. I'm just interested in Japan, is all.

  6. The Gyakuten Saiban series introduced me to VNs a few years back, but it wasn't until I played and finished Clannad last year that I really got hooked. Ended up finishing 10+ VNs in 2012 and the list is still getting longer. :D All in all, I've finished 17 VNs so far.

    Here's my top 10:

    1. Fate/Stay Night

    2. Ever17

    3. 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors

    4. Steins;Gate

    5. Clannad

    6. Saya no Uta

    7. Gyakuten Saiban 3

    8. G-senjou no Maou

    9. Planetarian

    10. Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward

  7. I use fullscreen most of the time because I don't want to get distracted by the other windows/programs while I'm reading. When I replay VNs that I finished, though, I switch to a window since I just skim through the scenes.

  8. Oh it's supposed to be that way. The first Little Busters patch (which I'm pretty sure is the one the Fuwa version has currently) didn't come with word wrapping.

    There is a Beta update patch with word-wrapping here feel free to download and try but back up the VN beforehand because it isn't guaranteed to work.

    So it really wasn't a bug. Thanks for the help! Downloaded the patch and the word-wrapping's working now.

  9. Are you running your computer with Non-Unicode Japanese?: Yes

    Game: Little Busters!

    Description of Problem: Everything works fine except for some text that gets cut off midway through a word (e.g. the word "flew" from the screencap below).

    Your Operating System: Windows 7

    64 or 32 bit: 32

    What did you already try?- Tried running it as an admin, changed the font type through the game's settings, and restarted the laptop before I first played the game.

    Did you download your game from Fuwanovel?: Yes



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