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Posts posted by cityscape

  1. Handle: cityscape / Chels

    Positions you can fill: Editor, proofreader.

    Types of projects (VNs) preferred: None in particular; I'm usually not picky with projects! c: I do have a preference for otomege and fantasy/science fiction, but I'm willing to work on other genres as well.

    Availability: Available. I'm a college freshman, but my workload and school schedule is pretty lax. I can dedicate anywhere between 2-4 hours daily for VN work usually, except around exam periods! I'm not attached to any projects at the moment.

    VNs most interested in producing an FTL for: A friend of mine introduced me to VNs not too long ago, so I still have yet to sample most of the games in the business. Anything that catches my eye, I suppose; I'm also always up for otomege and fantasy/science fiction/psychological VNs.

    Motivation for joining in on FTL: I've only recently gotten into VNs, but I've enjoyed all the games I've played so far! :3 I've worked in scanlation as well as translation for K-fandom, so I know how much work goes into translating something and I would really want to contribute to the VN community. Editing/proofing is something I've been doing half my life for both fandom and RL, so FTL's a great opportunity for me to do what I love while learning new things. My Japanese has also gotten reaaaaally rusty in the time I've neglected it, so I'm looking to improve it while working in FTL.

    Conditions: Other than extremely strict deadlines and eroge, I can't think of much else I can't work with.

    Contact info: E-mail ([email protected]) or PM is perfectly fine. :D

    Do let me know if you're interested in having me on board! ( ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ I don't bite, I promise; I have cookies!

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