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Posts posted by Candycorm

  1. Japanese people give 0 fucks and post whatever they want to in English (and French; ask Down, he knows). They plaster it on clothing items, accessories, in anime, and all over the country. The cultural difference between western fans and actual Japanese friends I have spoken to amazes me. I wonder what would happen if the role was reversed and visual novels were originally an English medium. I bet the amount of visual novels that were translated into Japanese would be nearly 10 times the amount there is now, and they probably wouldn't give a rat's ass about the originality, rather if they can understand it or not.


    I don't care what the Japanese do. In the first place, this isn't an instance of someone misusing Japanese to sound "cool" or whatever, but directly altering already existing Japanese in a way that diminishes the original. If the Japanese want to butcher written works so that they just pass the "readable" level then that's up to them. Saying that something is okay because other people do it is never a good argument.



    ^ This.

    I won't argue with people who call a project "hopeless" without even waiting for the first partial patch (that will be edited and QC'd). I already have to deal with enough disrespectful people at work (I work in IT so you can imagine...).


    There is one thing he is right about though. With the current translation speed it would take about 5 years to complete the project, but even that you can't say for sure yet. We will definitely find more translators and also a one week average is not a representative value.


    If you post the video as a representation of the translation you've given no one any reason to expect anything different from any future work. The video was edited as well, but that obviously didn't matter much. Where are your translators anyway? It seems strange that they wouldn't want to respond to any of this criticism directly, especially since you clearly can't. Since my previous response to you got deleted, I'll ask again. Are you really just striving for "playable"? To be marginally better than Idea Factory, of all things?



    As far as the criticisms regarding translation are concerned. Pointing out mistakes is one thing, it is helpful in creating a better project and useful to the translator in refining their skills. But calling a project hopeless and criticising the translation team saying they shouldn’t bother because they are not up to a certain standard is counterproductive and offensive. It’s all about intent and I feel not one iota of positive intent in such statements.


    Some people learning Japanese like to practice their skills by translating their favorite media whether this be manga, visual novels, games, anime, whatever. They kindly share these with others who may not have the time or inclination to learn another language. Nobody is forced to read these translations. Maybe they’re not perfect, maybe they contain more than a few translation errors. Regardless this is someone’s hard work at attempting to do something constructive, I think people should be respectful of this fact when posting.


    Good luck to the Monobeno translation team. Hope you guys are successful with your ambitious project!


    It's not counterproductive. A mindset that thinks people should be encouraged to continue things that are far beyond their means is counterproductive. For the translators, who will only flounder and eventually be ridiculed and insulted for their poor work, for the fans who don't simply see this as "another visual novel" but as something they want to enjoy with a good translation, and for the quality of fan translations in general.


    If you want to practice (reading) Japanese you should be reading. Translating as practice is not a good way to learn Japanese, only how to translate it into another language. If they want to practice translating they should take on something easier, do it on their own and never release the project. After doing this a few times maybe then they can start doing public translation on something significantly easier than Monobeno. Ixrec's Cross Channel translation (which he has himself admitted is bad) is the perfect example of an amateur ruining something because they were not capable of the work required. Of course, all this only matters if you actually know Japanese well enough to even begin translating.

  2. Alright i'm going to put a brake here.

    I don't care if you think this person's translation is bad, they have the right to host their project here and post updates without being constantly harassed.

    You've already stated you don't like this translation multiple times, that's fine, but no need to keep repeating yourself and bashing down the people who are trying to put effort into this, you're doing nobody here a favor by completely diminishing this person's efforts and i won't allow that on Fuwanovel.

    Any posts that keep bashing the translation with no other merit to them will be immediately hidden. I understand some people in this niche expect some sort of prestige quality translation for everything, but i'll break it to you and explain you are not entitled to anything, so if this doesn't meet your standards, please look elsewhere, Fuwanovel welcomes people looking to host their projects as well as constructive criticism on them, we don't however allow such "criticism" to be based on users looking down on project leaders and staff as well as their projects, this creates an unpleasant environment for everybody and hinders projects for no good reason.

    If anybody has anything to say about this project in the future, please make sure it's not just a post out of pure hatred, give everybody a fair chance to try to work on things instead of bashing them down.


    The only sort of criticism you're interested in is one completely devoid of content. I don't need or expect anything from this project, but you seem to have confused standards for a sense of entitlement. Translations that wouldn't get a passing grade in middle school English class get pats on the back because the truth would hurt someone's feelings.


    I'm sure you'll delete this post. It is, after all, very critical.

  3. I registered almost a year ago when I posted the Albatross translation project that no one took seriously.


    This project looks pretty hopeless, all things considered. I'm not helping because I am no where near altruistic enough to spend years translating for others. More importantly, I don't consider my translation ability to be capable enough to work on any project. I abstain from translation so that I don't ruin something I enjoy with my poor writing. It's a shame that people who are obviously less skilled than I am don't feel they should do the same. No one should ever translate into a language that they do not natively speak.

  4. I guess my last post hurt someone's feelings, so I went through the video for the first scene. Here are some problems:

    4:10 変だな、車なんてもう、バス一台しか残ってない "There aren't any cars or buses left around" - There's one bus left.
    9:12 よかった、わざわざ飛行機に乗ったかいがあった "That's good, even after we took the plane" - Saying there was merit in going out of his way to take the plane
    10:24 秩父以外は山じゃないから。丘がいいとこ "Chichibuigai is not a mountain, but a hill" - It's a hilly area. A place with a lot of hills. Not just one.
    10:44 本当に小さなころには、この緑の中、夏葉も元気に遊んでたのに "She also played in this greenness before." - Cut out half the original sentence.
    11:43 You didn't translate this hoihoi/cockroach joke into anything anyone's going to understand in English. I can't wait to see the ごくろう part.
    14:15 たまに庭先で見かける姿も揺らいで見えて "I can sometimes spot her figure in the garden" - Dropped 揺らいで which comes up later in the conversation with Sumi.
    15:11 あんなに泣いてた夏葉が今は "Being such a crybaby" - She was a crybaby, back during the aforementioned period when she was afraid of returning to Monobeno.
    20:18 時計の針が一気に戻る。体の全部が、理解する。 "The clock went back and I felt it in my body" - What is this I don't even
    21:40 僕を怒るときの生き生きした目が教えてくれる。 "Trying to upset me with those lively eyes" - 僕を怒るとき At the times she's upset with me 生き生きした目が vivid eyes 教えてくれる tell me. When Sumi's upset with Tooru it's clear from the look in her eyes.
    24:56 あのまま言葉につまったら、さすがにちょっと悪かった。 "Alice saved me from spouting ill chosen words" - It was his inability to speak that was the problem.
    31:03 近頃は飛車角も物忘れが激しいからの。身につまされる一言であろ "He gets sentimental easily" - Sumi is suggesting that due to Hishakaku's forgetfulness, he should be able to sympathize with Natsuha

    These are just the translation problems I found. If I were to list all the English problems that exist I would have to post the entire script. Things like (15:30) もうすぐ。準備して "Prepare yourself" are just out of this world. It's not surprising though, considering the translator's not a native English speaker.


    There are two translators listed in this thread, but I can't find projects by either of them, save for the video by Zakudono. If this is everyone's first project things are looking even more bleak. The box for Happy End says the script is 5.2MB in length. The last guy who attempted translation was criticized for going too fast and even he estimated it would take him three years to complete. A more reasonable pace could honestly take you half a decade.

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