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Posts posted by TheScotsman72

  1. I think I'd prefer one centralized around romance, and 18+ content isn't too important but I'm fine with it if it's there to assist the story. As for the setting, I'm looking for realism but I'm fine if it stretches a little. A secret agent twist wouldn't bother me at all.

  2. Something like that, yes. I haven't completely gotten to understand the terminology so I wouldn't know what exactly to call it yet, but in short I'm looking for something akin to Harukoi Otome. I think there's a show version of the series, but I'm only looking for a text based game.


    Flutterz, I looked over those titles and picked out Little Busters and Grisaia no Kajitsu. Many thanks.

  3. Hello everyone, I've recently taken an interest in Japanese visual novels and have just finished my second one which I enjoyed greatly. However, I'm having trouble finding a third that suits my tastes as most manga/anime I've taken a look at so far have been rather difficult to get into. So far I've played Go Go Nippon and Harukoi Otome. Both of these games are set in a modern day setting without straying from reality too much. The art styles aren't too outlandish either, which I also enjoy. If you know of any other visual novels that fit that description, please feel free to drop a recommendation!

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