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Posts posted by Jimmy92

  1. Although I think it was a good and realistic ending, the anime Welcome to the N.H.K. had an extremely depressing ending for me (an ending doesn't have to have deaths in it to be depressing). It kinda left me to expect more to happen. I don't really want to consider an ending as "the worst", so I consider it as the ending that affected me the most, in a negative sense. At least the anime ending was different then the manga. Now THAT is what I call a WTF ending.

  2. Since I heard that there will be a new gintama season I am so excided that I am rewatching the whole anime, but I'm afraid I can't wait until april.  :P  I also just finished Grisaia no Kajitsu but I was so dissapointed, I think I won't watch the second season, when it comes out. I guess I'll give Railgun a try. Sounds promising.

  3. Just started to play Little Busters, and I'm Impressed. The story so far is really engaging, the comedy is great, and I wonder why I haven't played it yet. And I kinda like the mini-games. But well, it's nakige, and I know I will shed a lot of manly tears eventually.

  4. The only VN adaption I really enjoyed was Clannad (and maybe Kimi ga Nozomu eien). It's almost always a failure to me, but some people actually enjoy them, so let it be. Don't watch it and everybody is happy. Yet, when you make an anime out of a VN, when there is no true route, you've got to choose the best route. The Majikoi anime was.....bad.

    I love hermit crabs? wtf Yamato?

    But sometimes it was fun too. It had some good humor. Not that I'd waste my time watching it again.

  5. Hmm, I don't know. She is definitely one of the least important characters in the series, if they would give her a route they might as well give every female character in the game a route. (Now that I say that, how many female characters are there actually left that don't have a route?)

    still, it's odd...from all I know, Ageha is (maybe?) the only female character from the original majikoi without a route.

  6. Thanks to my pathetic laptop I missed the 100th page (damn)...anyway, did somebody play Kono oozora ni, tsubasa wo hirogete (If my heart had wings)? I'm sure this topic was already here, but I'm too lazy to go to the older posts...I played it, well, most of it with the restoration patch and I thought It was pretty good...It was a good thing that there wasn't as much drama as G-senjou no maou or Grisaia...The kotori route sure was good...should I play the other ones?, because her route was too perfect...(too off topic?I wonder...)

  7. Can someone recommend to me a VN to play next?...What I'm searching for is something like grisaia with less tragedy and drama and more comedy...Yet, a more serious plot than majikoi (damn, feels like I'm asking for a lot)...I don't really mind when it's a bit of drama, but I just finished Yumiko's and Amane's routes and I know I can't handle the rest. Them feels!!!

  8. i think its a shame so many people hate chris because of wankos route


    i mean come on she only entered the tournament because she wanted to fight strong opponents and if anyone had told her wankos situation before hand she wouldent have entered but wanko chose not to tell her because she dident want to win that way and after chris found out she was really deppressed shes a really sweet girl she dosent deserve so much flak


    Like I said. I' m not a hater. Maybe I just failed to explain what I think. Her route was the first route I played ( after the miyako letdown ). She really is a sweet girl with no intention to do any harm. She is just so damn unlucky. Everytime she acts, the whole situation ends up being a total disaster. Don't hate the characters, people. Hate the way they were used, plotwise...


    Ha ha. yeah sorry about that. It's just that like I said it took me 2 years to get here. No one I know really gets it so I guess I wanted to brag to someone that actually understands the point of learning Japanese. I don't do it because like my mom thinks "it's useful to know more language"in the real world"". Man I wish I had anime friends。しく。。。しく。。。

    I'd do the exact same thing ^^. I'm just a bit jealous. I still have a long way to go to learn japanese.

  9. ....Spoiling? I have said literally Zero about the plot or character development. More has been said by other people in previous posts.

    Spoiling? No. Teasing? Yes. ^^ You know well everybody here is dying to play the route.

    Anyway, I'm ok with that. Nice to know. Chris is the character I hated the most in Kazuko's route. And I'm absolutely not a hater.


    At least it's nice to know she's not gonna f**k everything up in the Miyako route too. Okay, to be fair, she doesn't even know what she does wrong, but come on. She made Miyako cry once, in the prologue.

  10. I was looking forward to play Grisaia no Kajitsu so I started yesterday...It's not what I expected and I'm a bit dissapointed with the artwork, but it's still too early to judge...I don't really like the heroines either...I hope it gets better soon...But the Protagonist is badass, simply one of a kind, I give him that...

  11. Hey guys, I'm new here.

    I wanted to support for the translation of majikoi (exactly, another miyako maniac).

    Well, I'm a new fan of the game. I started some weeks ago, and I was hooked. Then I realized, the miyako route wasn't fully translated, so I was pissed (why has it be that the best one is the only one who isn't translated?). When I found out about the full story (85%), I decidet to play the other routes, and accept that I can't play the miyako one......................

    I can't enjoy it dammit.

    Isn't it painfull to watch miyako's reactions when the protagonist falls in love with other heroines? I know you guys get me. It's nice to know there is still somebody, still willing to translate this. Thank you very much. I really feel sorry for the ones who had to wait for over a year for it...

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