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Posts posted by BrazilianBash

  1. Mine was also KS, oohay for the big surprise.
    I do have mixed feelings,tough.

    Good vibes: Truth be spoken here: I got familiar with VN's 'cause i found Katawa,simple as that. I fell in love with the whole concept 'cause i played this game. So i really have to thank this title for it.

    Another rather important aspect: It's not easy doing what Katawa did. Dealing with disabled characters and just putting a plot together without being disrespectful is quite a hard task. There's a lot of positive messages all around,specially regarding how ungrateful we are for the health we have, and how dismissive a person can be with the limitations of a disabled person. Every route has a strong woman behind a endless path of challenges, and i really admire Katawa for it. Props to the game here.
    Katawa also didn't treated women like nerdbaits here. They're strong,independent and brave. That's also a major positive factor.

    Emi was alright. My favorite,all day. Strong,vivid,and just interessing from the beggining to the end. She does her best to not bother anyone with her issues,you have to push through all the time. She isn't a cry baby at all,and the relationship develops in a rather interessing natural,lovely way.

    Hanako also really intrigued me. Such a well thought character overall, you know? The devs made it challenging to get your misconceptions away regarding her appearance,but delivered a heartwarming relationship that develops pretty naturally once you get past her uber-shyness.

    Nurse is epic. Such a nice surprise. He is named nurse. He's a dude.  Doesn't care at all. Does his best to spy on every single person surrounding you to see if you're following his instructions closely. Genuinely cares for everybody. Trully a nice guy,easygoing all around.

    Bad vibes: I just didn't clicked with the majority of the characters. I really mean it.

    Hisao was a pain the entire game. He complains about his friends,parents,habits & even about a regular bus ride. (even mentioning the "clanking" that Emi was doing between the bumps with her prosthetic legs. What a dick.)
    More than that,He is really disrespectful sometimes with his friends and family. A selfish,sad guy. And a bit of a wuss.

    Emi infamous lube-in-a-hole scene was equally forced,unnatural and out of place.

    Kenji IS SUCH A PAIN. MY GOD. I don't use caps that often,but this one deserves it.
    Unfunny,unlikeable,unbearable. I just hope a hit squad of feminine extremists take care of him. Quickly.

    The rest of the cast didn't clicked with me as well, but this post is big enough.

    5/10 (i wish i could get the score higher,but when you don't click with the protagonist...it's just hard.)

  2. Just finished playing it today. Some mixed feelings about it. 

    Good vibes: Truth be spoken here: I got familiar with VN's 'cause i found Katawa,simple as that. I fell in love with the whole concept 'cause i played this game. So i really have to thank this title for it.

    Another rather important aspect: It's not easy doing what Katawa did. Dealing with disabled characters and just putting a plot together without being disrespectful is quite a hard task. There's a lot of positive messages all around,specially regarding how ungrateful we are for the health we have, and how dismissive a person can be with the limitations of a disabled person. Every route has a strong woman behind a endless path of challenges, and i really admire Katawa for it. Props to the game here.
    Katawa also didn't treated women like nerdbaits here. They're strong,independent and brave. That's also a major positive factor.

    Emi was alright. My favorite,all day. Strong,vivid,and just interessing from the beggining to the end. She does her best to not bother anyone with her issues,you have to push through all the time. She isn't a cry baby at all,and the relationship develops in a rather interessing natural,lovely way.

    Hanako also really intrigued me. Such a well thought character overall, you know? The devs made it challenging to get your misconceptions away regarding her appearance,but delivered a heartwarming relationship that develops pretty naturally once you get past her uber-shyness.

    Nurse is epic. Such a nice surprise. He is named nurse. He's a dude.  Doesn't care at all. Does his best to spy on every single person surrounding you to see if you're following his instructions closely. Genuinely cares for everybody. Trully a nice guy,easygoing all around.

    Bad vibes: I just didn't clicked with the majority of the characters. I really mean it.

    Hisao was a pain the entire game. He complains about his friends,parents,habits & even about a regular bus ride. (even mentioning the "clanking" that Emi was doing between the bumps with her prosthetic legs. What a dick.)
    More than that,He is really disrespectful sometimes with his friends and family. A selfish,sad guy. And a bit of a wuss.

    Emi infamous lube-in-a-hole scene was equally forced,unnatural and out of place.

    Kenji IS SUCH A PAIN. MY GOD. I don't use caps that often,but this one deserves it.
    Unfunny,unlikeable,unbearable. I just hope a hit squad of feminine extremists take care of him. Quickly.

    The rest of the cast didn't clicked with me as well, but this post is big enough.

    5/10 (i wish i could get the score higher,but when you don't click with the protagonist...it's just hard.)


    • Metal Gear Solid 4 (A perfect game judging every single aspect of it.)
    • Full Throttle  (eternal Tim Schaffer fan here. I just love his games. Broken Age is coming!)
    • The Secret Of Monkey Island (Like i said,Tim Schaffer dude. Nuff' said.)
    • Suikoden II (the best jRPG i played. Ever. All that i look up in a game,and then some.)
    • Farcry 3  (Check this one out. Another 10/10.)

    And those another ones almost made it:

    All GTA's, specially 4 when it comes to plot.  (Dan Houser it a BEAST writing the whole GTA universe)

    Mass Effect I & II (EA ruined the final entry. Not a surprise.)

    Bioshock: Infinite (This is art. Pure art.)

    Dragon Age: Origins (sadly,another franchise ruined by EA.)

    Persona 5 (best Persona cast ever assembled on my opinion.)

    WWE wrestling games (I just love it. Spent dozens n' dozens of hours on it.)

    Football Manager franchise (Just honoring the heritage.)

    I've been gaming since Master Sytem! ;)

  3. And that's why I have so many unfinished/dropped visual novels in my list x'D

    Welcome my neighbour! (I'm from Uruguay~!) I hope you enjoy your stay and have fun~ I can recommend Little Busters! or Rewrite, both are quite lenghty and really good >o<!

    Hola! South america united!

    Can you believe i couldn't install "Little Busters!" ? <_<

    I already have a tons of VN installed,but i'm holding myself to focus only on Katawa for now.

    Anyway,thanks for the warm welcoming dude.


    Welcome to the forums. Glad to have you here.

    Thank you Boomer! It's a pleasure! :)

  4. That a very interessing topic indeed.

    When it comes to sexuality,let's all be clear about japanese culture here: They get REAL graphic n' have a VERY WEIRD taste even for the hornyest,weirdest ocidental guy possible. 
    That translates into pretty much anything,including VN's.

    I'm talking about dildo-inspired-tentacles,big-boned-monsters,pee and poop, and even all sorts of rape fetish, which is a very popular niche which i personally despise. (Role-playing or not)

    Hey,it's not me guys. Is just the way  it is.

    I'm not saying what is good or bad for humanity,I'm really not judging.
    But their preferences really doesn't match our sexual culture. (Then again,we're not the best example,of course.)
    I don't remember who commented that above,but indeed,even when it comes to VN's, it's about appealing to the oriental fanbase,of course...so it figures.

    Oh,let's all remember that the porn in japan have a big blur on the ding-dongs.
    I have a crazy theory that maybe that's why even anime got subverted with sex content (hentai and all those terminologies you guys sure know better than me)...it's a sexual escapism.
    In hentai-ish content,everything goes. No blurs,no limits. Maybe that's why.

    I really don't think sex scenes (with a good reason and a good plot to happen whitout anything too weird) ruined my experience with VN's so far. Even it gets a little bit kinky, it's all about the writing.

    But i really don't miss them if the VN doesn't have any.

  5. Bem-vindo ao forum :3

    Katawa Shoujo really gets a little slow at times, especially when you already beat it once. The worst parts are the Kenji parts, I hate that guy *sigh* I don't think you could drop Katawa because when you get to the good parts you just cannot stop playing (atleast that how it was for me xD)


    He really gets on my nerves sometimes.

    Having to see him just with a leaf covering his ding-dong up didn't helped as well.

  6. I always marathon VNs when I read them (even the longer ones, like fate or grisaia- doesn't take me more than 2 days to read those 50+ hours ones). Experience tells me that if you read more than one VN at a time because it seems too slow, you'll end up dropping the first VN enterily afterwards, but that's just me. Katawa is more of a romance, though- and there are plenty of different kinds of stories out there. So I think you should pick your favorite genre and read VNs of that genre first.


    Bem, espero ter ajudado~

    Yeah,i think you already know me well enough to guess that. :lol:

    I probably would drop Katawa for a long time if the other VN gets way more interessing.

    Well...let's marathon it. Focus.

  7. For VN suggestions, check out my 50 VNs list! And yay for more brazillians here.



    I even checked out your whole list Kaguya.  Pretty damn awesome. A lot of interessing descriptions up there. ;)

    Do you play one VN at a time? I'm thinking about starting another one 'cause Katawa gets VERY slow sometimes.

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