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Posts posted by Tahn

  1. Awesome guys, thanks for que quick answers ! I tried a bit Sengoku Rance yesterday, seemed fun, but I didn't understant half of the way to conduct battles =D. Gonna spend more time on it if you say it's great !

    And if I may ask for another advice, do you know any nice game, without too much grinding, and more importantly with no hentai at all. My little sister would love the concept, except for this part =).

    Edit : @Kaguya : My conception of game oriented means mainly optimisation. I want to be in a situation where I have to think and to play cleverly to win. And if it's too hard, I can always do something to better my troops / characters.

    Edit - Bis : Actually one of my all time favourite game of the genre (not of VN though, but not that far) is Disgaea, which is well... Incredible, great humour, tremoudeous possibilities, great gameplay, etc. Of course I won't be able to find a game this deep, but the idea was to exchange a bit of the game part for some VNization.

  2. Hello everybody.

    After a few game novels, here I come to ask your advice, Ô wise ones.

    I just finished Kamidori Alchemy Meister, and I'd like to play another VN like this one. To be more precise, my idea VN would have the following features, by order of importance :

    -Game oriented. I'm trying Utawarerumon currently, and even if the story is great, the fights are too easy, nearly impossible to loose, nothing customizable execpt a bit of aptitudes points. I really like to try to optimize my characters, make them level up, grind a bit when it's becoming too hard, etc. This is by far the most important point.

    -A bit of humour. I have nothing against serious / romantic moments, but they feel better to my mind when the story or the caracter are funny.

    -Not a futuristic VN.

    -I don't really care about the hentai part. Some is nice, but without if fine too !

    It's rather hard by browing the VN to know which one could be the best, so I'm counting on you ! Thanks for your help =)

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