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Posts posted by Frostian

  1. Ugh.


    Okay, anyone else is pissed at how they handled the afters on Tsubame's route on Majikoi S?


    Was it really so hard to come up with a balanced after that could develop the relationship a little more romantically? Tsubame taking control was better at this, in contrast to Yamato taking control. That just felt too forceful, Tsubame felt completely out of character in that one.


    Sorry, just venting my frustration

  2. P.S. I love how this thread managed to get me all the way to Advanced Member. XD


    Honestly I'm still IN DESPAAAAAAIR beacuse the patch hasn't been released yet, and I want to go back to playing Majikoi so bad. Like SO BAD, so I'm trying to get some distractions to not seem overly pushy on our lovely translators.

  3. Yeah, I agree. There are way too few yuri games in the industry, and even less anime. The SonoHana games are our only salvation, but they are very sex-focused, yet the sex is too tame for me >.<

    I would like something that's either really, really innocent and heart-warming (Clannad style), OR a really hardcore one. Or just a pure futa one. I mean seriously, are there ANY translated futa games?!?! I've been searching far and wide, yet I haven't been able to find any! Life's so unfair! >.<


    I know it's been years, but I still don't trust Deen after the Fate/Stay Night incident. 

    Yuri Master Race FTW,



    Deen knows it's yuri. They did Simoun, Mariamite, and yami to boshi. Plus since they made Pupa into a 5 minute show, they said that they were turning all of their budget, as small as it may or may not be, to Sakura Trick.


    Concering the SonoHana games, they are indeed too sex focused, but you just have to take the overbearing amounts of sex as romantic expression between the couples, and it becomes surprisingly, a lot more enjoyable. Plus, I like vanilla flavored stuff every once in a while :)


    Though really, mindbreak and ahegao are the absolute best. Ahegao especially.

  4. Alas, my fallen brother, our love will never be understood. Ridiculed and scorned by society, all we can do is hide in a corner while turning to the only thing that accepts us - 2D girls with disproportinate eye and breast sizes sizes and crimson blushes! All the while waiting for our great leader, Suguru Oogushi-sama, to rise us from the depths of hell and grand us glory!

    All hail Suguru-sama! All hail 2D!!!!! ALL HAIL YURI!!!!!!!!!!!


    Yuri master race. Too bad it's not that big in the 2D realm other than the SonoHana games, and I've played every single one that's translated.


    There's a few things but not really that much, yuri mainly resides on manga. It's not even that big in anime, though that may change in two days when Sakura Trick starts airing (thank you based Deen). 


    It's my obsession. I just wish it was bigger, especially on visual novels.

  5. Well, I'm not attracted to tentacles, to be honest. I just don't like having men in the picture, which is why I prefer futa and tentacles. To me, the girl's pleasure is the most important, and hearing a dude moan or some other shit does nothing for me. Especially if there's an orgy or rape scene, and the dudes are the only ones saying something. If you have a tentacle scene without any men, it's quite likely that the girl will provide a monologue of pleasure, and if it's futa, then there's two girls screaming pleasure, but no dude. Win-win! :D


    My thoughts exactly. I don't get why nobody understands this.


    As an avid fan of yuri, with a preference of yuri over heterosexual romance, in fact, it really, really puts me off to see men in the picture.

  6. You don't have to complete Miyako's route to unlock Ume-sensei's route. As long as you complete the 4 main heroine routes, you will be able to unlock Ume-sensei's route.


    Yeah I'm aware, I have 3 completed, was talking about completing Wanko's route to unlock Ume-sensei's. All these routes are just filler until I get to the best part, Miyako's route.

  7. Trust me, Wanko's route throws out "thinking of her as a pet character" out the window. It is probably the most emotional route so far translated.


    Well, that's good, since I intended to do her route anyway, to unlock Ume-sensei. Though not too sure when I wanna do it, don't feel like being an emotional wreck right now.

  8. Yeah we did change the topic a bit. But I don't think it's to bad. I really enjoy talking to people who actually really know their stuff :) As for the actual Miyako topic, I'm REALLY really exited about it, best thing a new year can start with :D

    Personally I haven't even played the Chris route yet. I kind of sworn to myself since the first clash between her and Miyako that I  absolutely won't play her route before I've played Miyako's ^^' In my opinion Miyako just deserves an happy end the most. Doesn't mean I don't like Chris though :)

    ...........I really like tsundere characters ^_^


    Personally, I really, really really didn't like Chris because I usually hate righteous characters. But I was curious since, despite my dislike of her, I thought she was a really cool character, so I played her route.


    I was pleasantly surprised. Chris' best moments are when she shows weakness, and you get to see that a lot in her route, I personally really enjoyed it, and so far it's the one that I've enjoyed the most. I really grew to like her a lot, in fact, making her my third favorite character after Miyako-sama and Momo-sempai.


    I did Momoyo -> Chris -> Yukie. Holding back on Wanko because I can't take her seriously enough due to the whole 'pet character' thing.


    Concerning the offtopic discussions, they're mostly fine, but if it goes on for more than 2 pages, I think it's somewhat distracting, considering that a lot of people revisit this thread for updates as to when the patch is actually coming out. It's fine to talk about other things, I just don't think that this is the place.


    Just my 2 cents

  9. Kosuna said that he'll probably translate everything, seeing as people would prefer to have the game fully translated. (This includes all the side routes, such as Gakuto and Mayo.)

    As for what the translation order will be after Miyako, I cannot say. Either Miyako After or Agave, and after those it's anyone's guess.

    Also, can't comment on the release date, since I don't actually know how far we are. Kosuna only sends me portions of the script at a time, and I only do it at school, so I haven't done anything this Christmas. For all I know, we could be halfway through translating Agave.

    Thank you for the update, was really getting curious as to what was going on considering all the majikoi-unrelated talk going on in this thread.


    I just care for Miyako and Miyako afterstory, Agave and the rest can wait a few more months. Hope a patch will be released when the route is complete, instead of releasing the full thing later down the line.


    Thanks again

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