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Posts posted by ririkosama

  1. Don't know how to move a topic here, so I just re-post.


    Some of my collection


    Class A


    1. 届かない恋concert  (0 0, Where's Haruhi?)


    2. Setsuna: We need more people in our band .


    3. Saber: Follow me! Don't stand on the drum Iria!



    Class B 


    It's a magical girls class



    The light is important



    Curis: Come back to your seats and let's start our lesson!



    Girls are not satisfied with just classroom, so Rin opened a restaurant.


    Wagnaria Restaurant



    Maid : Rin

    Cooker: Sakura, Madoka

    ??: Saber & Iria (Can they help?)

    Poster Girl: Usami Haru


    Madoka wants to cook QB, so...



    The restaurant becomes famous and a lot of people come



    On the top of the restaurant, war is coming.





    At the same time... Magical girls attend the Holy Grial War

    Kenshin: For the justice.




    Some other photos of my collection.










  2. Spent several hours learning US laws, it seems that it's very safe in US to buy VNs.


    It's illegal if you meet all the 3 things:


    1, it's a apparent child. (The heroines in VNs are all above 18)

    2, it has apparent sexual description (So if you can just see the boob of Elina in a picture, it's ok)

    3, It doesn't has art, politics, science value. (For this I think it's ok to buy VNs in US)


    If you have any troubles about this, you can ask Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (CBLDF) for help. It's free.

  3. Christopher Handley got nailed by US customs for importing Japanese loli manga and other sexually offensive comics.  I don't know if the details are public knowledge, but customs officials must've opened the package.  Could've been because of the titles on the shipping list, or perhaps it was just a random inspection.  Police later raided his Iowa residence and uncovered more such manga (but no actual child porn).  He pled guilty, so the case never went to trial.

    I don't know if it's safe to buy sth R18 but not loli manga. You know, at least it says that they are all above 18. = =||

    In fact I don't like loli very much....


    Hmmm, for safety, I checked it again....

    All the games I bought says that "They are all above 18".

  4. Best shop to get this stuff is AmiAmi http://www.amiami.com/, they ship internationally and they have better prices than anyone else I know. Sadly, they have very limited amount of stuff, so if you didn't preorder, most likely item will be sold out upon release.

    https://www.1999.co.jp/ ships internationally too, and has better stocks than amiami, but prices are bit higher (still light-years less than JList).

    But they don't have so much goods as amazon.jp..... most of the nendoroids in amiami are sold out. The same as JList....

    In fact I have to buy a lot of things from amazon.jp or auction.yahoo.jp, but how to send them to US is a problem. Maybe I can try to use FEDEX.....

    Hope that the policemen will not knock at the door tomorrow...

  5. I'm interested in VNs and I like to collect all kinds of VN goods such as nedoird, figma, pillow, silk paitings......

    But I'm now living in US and I don't think I can buy them in US. So I have to buy them from amazon.jp, ask one of my friend buy for me and then send to me by FEDEX.


    So that's the question, as a lot of VNs and VN goods are R18, can we FEDEX them to US legally?


    If not, how could you buy VNs or VN goods?


    Btw, ╮(╯▽╰)╭, let me post a pic of my collection.




  6. Oh if there is no English articles about it then I wouldn't know anything about it as I don't know inaf Japanese (True I am learning)


    As for pictures you click on an icon of a picture (says Image when you put the mouse on it) you copy image location and click ok.


    Thanks, I got it.





    Welcome! Sometime in the future I might go to China for art, so I may ask you some questions about Chinese culture.


    Welcome.... China is a good country if we ignore the PM2.5 .

  7. #1 No pornography means no pure pornografy it is allowed if it is part of a VN you can't post things like pictures of H-scenes but you can talk about them and you can post a whole VN.


    #2 Newer heard of it and VNDB doesn't give me anything can you pass a link to wath it is?


    #3 Welcome to fuwanovel I hope you like it because you won't ever leave.


    Maybe I used the wrong words again? That's not VN. Those are a kind of VN heroine dolls. I'd like to collect them. Maybe you know the C85 in Japan recently and I don't find any information about it in the forum? But I think maybe some of VN fans are interested in it?


    One nendoroid



    = =||, how to post picture?

  8. It depends.


    I think most of the H-scenes are useless and I skipped them. But sometimes, it's very important. For example, I don't think we can skip the first H scene in Naoko route (Kono Aozora No Yakusokuo). It describe the relationship between Hosino and Naoko and told us the story. 


    But anyway, most of the H-scenes are useless... In my opinion.

  9. Em hmmm.

    If I think a VN is important, most of the time I will ask my friend for some advice before starting it. For example, Maid Cafe Parfait, we'd better complete Rikako route at last. If you can understand Japanese I think you can google some guides (is this word right?) before starting a VN.

    In fact you can just ask me if a VN has Good End.


    Maybe I found sth I can do....write a summary of VNs I played?

  10. I always heard of the term as "Visual Novels", not virtual, but that's just a minor detail.

    Welcome to fuwanovel! I hope you have fun around here~

    Oh, sorry. My English is so poor that used the wrong word.╮(╯▽╰)╭


    Welcome to the forums...

    Thank you.


    Welcome to the forum!


    You are lucky being Chinese, quite a few VNs are translated just to Chinese well not that it matters to me as I can read Japanese.

    Yeah. There are a lot of VNs translated to Chinese and there are many Chinese VN forum. But in China We like to call them galgames, not VN?


    Welcome to fuwan fuwan. Here's a quote for you:

    "they are not just globs, they... have a really lovely curve to them that makes my heart beat!"

    Good quote! I think so too.


    Welcome To The Forums Hope We get Along Well ^^

    O(∩_∩)O~,thank you


    Welcome to Fuwanove. Please deposit your soul in the box before proceeding.

    = =||, why it sounds like sb ask me to play Joso Sanmyaku?


    Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay!

    Have a moe:



    = =||, So how to post a picture in the forum? It seems like that I have to give an url?


    Some questions:


    1, One of forum rule is : 

    • No pornography (genitals, nipples, sexual acts)

    = =||, but, you know. Most VNs are R18. So.... what does this mean? Can I post a R18 picture or say sth like "haha, the H scene of Elina ....."


    2, Anyone interested in VN nendoroid or figmas? Can I post sth about it? 

  11. Hello, I have googled for a long time and find a virtual novel forum at last...

    I'm a Chinese who's really interested in virtual novels and have completed more than 100 virtual novel games.


    My favorite VN game is White Album 2 and then g_senjou_no_maou (How to translate it into English? oh no...)


    And, though I use kazusa's pic in my profile but my favorite heroine is Setsuna O(∩_∩)O~


    Hope to have fun here and get to know more friends.

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