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Posts posted by StrechTcloud

  1. Hi all,

    Some Background:

    I'm new to the genre of visual novels.  I did not see the appeal until I (*admits sheepishly*) played "Being a DIK" for the porn content and ended up completely engulfed in the writing and relationship building.  I have an education in Computer Science and have dabbled in game development for many years.  The design, writing, and programming bits are so much fun but my projects always halted when they became dependent on art assets.

    Pertinent Info To This Post:

    I'm interested in developing an adult VN.  I feel it is important to have sexual content, not for the porn aspect but for the build up and release of tension in the protagonists relationships.  It holds a surprising power over the player and is a form of taboo writing/reading that I think people may feel needlessly embarrassed to explore.  

    My issue is that I do not want to create shitty erotic graphics that essentially ruin the sexual or romantic experience for the player.  Instead, I want to create visuals that are only specific to the background environment and then WRITE erotic scenes that leave much of the visual aspect to the players imagination.  Similar to how erotic novels set up a scene and go on to describe interactions between characters without systematically making explicit the position of each body part or motion.  

    My questions to you, kind forum readers, is to what degree do you think there is interest in non-visual sexual content in an adult VN?  To me it kind of doesn't seem like playing this VN is distinct enough from simply reading an erotic story.  The game would still have meaningful character choices and branching story paths (plus other mechanics that make it a game and not just a reading exercise).  

    Are there adult VN with non-visual sexual content you can recommend?  

    I really want to develop stories, characters, relationships, and experiences that people are interested in without being dependent on high quality erotic graphics.

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