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Posts posted by RFShahrear

  1. Greetings.


    I recently started playing Eushully's Madou Koukaku using VNR. As it turns out, VNR split's most of the lines in the game into 2-3 sentences. Meaning I have to scroll up to read every line. As a workaround, I tried using Voiceroid Yukari to read through the lines, but unfortunately TTS seems to break off a line if a new line is fed to it, meaning only the last portion of a split line is read out properly.


    1. Is there any way to merge multiple lines? I've looked through various hooks, all of them are identical. And the hook I'm using is the embedding one, so it's probably accurate.

    2. Failing that, is there any way to make a TTS complete speaking the previous line before moving on to the next line? That way I can ignore the line split altogether.


    Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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