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Posts posted by nocturn

  1. Hello, does anyone have some experience unpacking and repacking for the advwin32 engine (the VN title is Konata Yori Kanata Made).

    This is what the game folder looks like: https://i.imgur.com/7w8NG6X.png

    I have had some luck getting the script in readable format extracting with garbro MES.MRG into the different scripts (which are encrypted or something since you can't open them directly with a text editor) and then loading them with the Multiline Editor from the first post. But I don't have any idea how to repack it into MES.MRG to test how it looks ingame, and I can't properly navigate this editor program since it's only in chinese but I doubt it does any repacking since it seems to be just an editor to help translating scripts easier.

    I was wondering if there's anything already available to help extracting and inserting back the scripts more easily, and keeping the actual scripting would be nice too in case minor adjustments are needed. Although I imagine the engine prolly doesn't support alphabetical characters so maybe some tweaking would be needed too?

    I was pondering the idea of translating this into Spanish since I quite liked it and it's kinda short but I want to get at least some good chunk of the translation done before I drag anyone else into this and lose their time in case I actually give up on the translation that's the most likely thing to happen. So if some sort of working tools exist would be the ideal situation.

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