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Posts posted by Eisai

  1. So, arc_conv is still giving me fits. No punctuation works, and apparently it doesn't like when I copy and paste something. No biggy, it's annoying but I can work around both of those. But trying to figure out what is causing issues, I edit 1 line at a time:

    Line 1: no punctuation, but displays correctly and doesn't break anything.
    Line 2: character name replacement - again, doesn't like punctuation and has very short length limit, but again, worked around.
    Line 3: makes first two lines display incorrectly and game crashes.

    Increasingly looking like I'm probably just going to do this for myself as a script translation (ie, not screwing around with trying to re-import things into the scenario.arc)

    I tried again with mjarc, and now I can't even figure out how I got it to re-import last time. It just keeps the original Japanese, no matter what I do.

  2. More slight progress, but I think I'm done for the afternoon for now. I think I figured out a couple of the problems, but also need to figure out som other things (like string length, and how to split longer english lines without breaking everything else...)

    I know I'm just talking to myself right now, but if anyone does have any insight/tips, it would be appreciated!

  3. Well, I've made progress. Using mjarc I got things put back in, but something screwed up and the voices no longer played (though the bgm did) and it displayed some pieces of text that it hadn't in the original.

    I tried using arc_conv in Japanese locale and it seemed to extract fine, but when I put things back in, it also displayed some thigns it shouldn't have, didn't have voices, and then crashed.

    So...progress? I'm not a fan of how mjarc works, so hopefully I can get this figured out with arc_conv instead.

  4. I thought some years ago I might try my hand at translation, since there seems to be no work being done by well, anyone (fan or official) on translating Otomimi Infinity.

    Last night, being bored and nothing better to do, I figured I'd at least look into it.

    Tried using mjarc (https://proger.me/vn/old/#majiroarc+v1+and+v2+tools) which seems to extract .mjo and .utf fine, I can then edit, but doesn't seem to repack into .arc at all

    Tried using arc_conv which again extracts the .mjo seemingly fine, but on using text_conv, does not correctly display japanese characters (though I did change my locale back to English before thinking about quitting, which I then didn't do -- though mjarc still extracts the characters correctly in the utf files)

    Was also hoping to figure out how to work with rct/rc8 files if possible (as mentioned under the Majiro heading in the first post here, https://forums.fuwanovel.net/topic/17841-script-extraction-thread/?do=findComment&comment=453725 which mentions tools needed as "majiro-stuff", with a nonfunctioning link; and when I search for majiro-stuff I find something on GitHub which I can't for the life of me get to work at ALL).

    Apologies if I'm being super thick here, but I spent hours last night trying to get started on this and running into various walls.

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