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Posts posted by seventhtale

  1. 9 hours ago, Amatsu-dango said:

    Hi there ! First of all, ty for this work !


    Now... Here's my problem. When i lunch the game, i crash everytime text is about to appear or if i go to ADV/Sound/Chara. I've tried seventhtale font, but didn't help... Nor anything else as helped me (japanese font installed from windows, play as admin...) Finaly, i've try to play as japanese but I got this error:




    Can someone help me here, please ? 

    Try to use this save. I changed the font for dialog into MS UI Gothic. Make sure you have that font. Since you crashed when text appears I just can't think of this as not a font problem. Try the patch too, it might help.
    Place the folder in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Eushully make sure to backup your save if you already have one.

  2. Congratulation for the full translation, and thanks a lot for your hardwork and this release. I can now replay Kami no Rhapsody again, and the H-scenes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). It's very nice that you're translating Eushully game. I wish it's arterial, I played that game dozen of times and still barely understand the story which is unique among Eushully games same with the gameplay. Though Grasesta is nice too since Eushully games are all gems. Congrats again, thank you all for the dedication to translate.


    Also for the crashes. Make sure your system locale is set to japanese, or you can use LocaleEmulator like me, where you can start the game with the locale you want. Another cause which I experienced is font problem. If you're using windows 10, you might experience this, I'm not  100% sure which font, but if I remember it's MS PGothic and MS Mincho. You can confirm that it's font problem if you go to Option>Adv then the game crashes. Hope it will help.

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