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Posts posted by ASCLEPIAS

  1. Hey folks, I was wondering if anyone might be able to point me in the right direction for extracting the scripts for Quinrose's Joker No Kuni No Alice. I've been translating some already extracted files for another Quinrose game but would rather be working on one of the older ones if I'm gonna be putting so much time into a project anyway, assuming I can get into the scripts.

    I'm trying to extract a scenario.xp3 file--I tried krkr extract first but dropping my executable on the window didn't prompt anything. I was trying to see if I could get anything going using KiriKiri Tools linked above but I keep getting an error looking for startup.tjs and I'm at a loss LOL

    EDIT: More precisely, I did get KiriKiri Tools to extract the .ks files but it's appearing like this even when I changed the settings to Shift JIS which seems... not quite right.



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