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About M1rv3

  • Birthday 07/28/1995

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  • Visual Novel Database (VNDB)

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  1. Thanks I got both to work, they are really usefull but yeah, Ive to look up basicly every kanji there is^^ I dont know if Im doing it right but, do I have to copy the phrase from textractor and paste it into chiitrans everytime I want to look up something ? Did I something wrong or shouldnt it take the text automaticly ? EDIT: Nevermind I figured it out. Thanks again, it does really help alot. I started with "私のリアルは充実しすぎている" since it looks interessting and is free
  2. Can you recommend a good text hooker ? I just recently learned about them, but have no clue how they work and what to use
  3. It would be nice if the used kanji had the reading above them. I saw that sometimes used in Anime shows for kids. I should have added that I can read hiragana and katakana of course ^^ regarding that list, as far as I can see they are just normal vns right ? I thought more of a active learning, instead of just reading like a book. This way I dont have to look up everything I dont know, which would be every other word for me ^^ But I defently check the list out
  4. I just finished my last Class of Japanese in my University and got UNICERT level A2. Since I want to continue to learn japanese and improve my skills I was thinking "hey maybe there is a learning VN or something to help me here" since learning with playing should be a good method ^^ So Id appriciate it, if one of you guys know some games/vns that teach japanese. Since I do know some stuff, it doesnt have to be on a complete beginner level. Id love to learn some more Kanji (I know about 110), and some grammar. PS: If you dont know what UNICERT A2 means, its basicly a certifact in Europe to classify the speaking abilities of a person. There are A1,2 B1,2 and C1,2. Meaning A - Beginner, B - business, C - native language.
  5. So, Im using this thread again instead of opening a new one, since the topic is practically the same ^^ Why ? Becuase, after reading some other VNs I finally found out what I REALLY wanted to read again, the one thing that I really liked about Edelweiss: On the one Hand you have this funny group of friends, witch comedic relief everywhere - I want to laugh when I read a VN Then you have this mystery surrounding the island and the magic there - I want exciting VN that makes me curious about the world On the other Hand I want to be engaged with the characteres, I want the empathize with them, in short, I want to cry when they are miserable. I know this is kind of vague but I havent read I VN that I liked as much as Edelsweiss, it was only my second one ever but still I was never as sad as back then when I finally finished a VN. So to summerize, I want to laugh, to cry and to be curious. I hope you guys can help me out ^^ What came very close was Clannad but I only watched the anime version, so I dont count that ^^
  6. yeah I dropped Deardrops for now and started Wagamaga High Spec, so far its far more entertaining then DD ^^ After that Im probably going to read Fureraba too
  7. Thats to bad. So Ive to wait a while for those games. Any other suggestions ? They dont have to have a good male cast, I just wanted to add it if anyone knew some good ones. I look for a VN that makes me laugh, has a decent story and romance. I wouldnt mind any H-Scenes, or high Resolution since I cant play low res games on my 4k monitor in fullscreen (If I dont want eye cancer)
  8. Majikoi seems pretty interesting, but according to vndb it has only a english patch, is it good ? I know Little Busters a little while now but never followed it really I started to play DC III, but stalled it to watch the anime to get some background story. I finished the first (wich was VERY Dull), started the second and never came back to the series since the first one disappointed me a little. Lucid9 seems pretty good too, I will certainly look into it. The Devil on the G-String has only a patch aswell, is it also good ? I really dont like censored/cut contend. Anyway thank you for your effort.
  9. Yeah Ive heard about Sorcery Jokers, maybe I give it a try. I do have a VNDB Account actually, I just didnt know you could link it here. What I also should mention, I really liked the male supporting cast in Edelweiss, they were funny and a good addition to the overall story. In most other VNs Ive read, there werent any males at all or they were the antagonists. How is Sorcery Jokers in that regard ?
  10. Like the Title says. I really liked Edelweiss and the story behind it. A mix of Comedy, Magic/Alchemy and Romance was pretty good and I havent found anything similar to it yet. I mostly read SoL and Romance VNs but would like to read something like Edelweiss again. So does anyone know something similar to it ? I read the Fandisc too, so that doesnt count ^^
  11. I started to learn Japanese a while ago and doing now my third semester in it. And yes VNs were one of the reasons to start but there were others. Anyway, its not thaaat hard. Grammar is pretty "simple"and Hiragana and Katakana can be learned in one week. The biggest mountain to climb is Kanji, but yeah Ive no trick for that, two semesters and I still know about 60 or so.
  12. Thats not a huge problem, just a minor annoyance.
  13. Yeah, youre all probably right, I should drop it for now. Problem is, I dont know what to read next, since Ive got a decent selection to chose from (I tend to buy a new vn before Ive finished the current ones ^^) As for the vn beeing my main hobby. It isnt really, I enjoy playing regular video games and watching anime more than reading VNs sometimes. Since english isnt my first language I get tired pretty fast reading, so I take a while to finish a VN. As for now, I think Ive only finished 2 VNs total (with all routes), that was Edelweiss and Kindred spirits on the roof. Some I didnt bother going to routes for girls I didnt liked or some I just finished the true ending. But yeah, I think Im going to drop Deardrops since the Genre isnt really mine and I cant enjoy it that much, since it has a pretty low res. and Ive a 4k monitor wich can be pretty anoying sometimes. Thanks for the help anyway ^^ But hey, heres another question, what should I read next: - Fruit of Grisia - Dal Sagno - Da Capo 3 ( Ive started it a long time ago, watched the animes for 1 and 2, which were terreble tbh, and never came back) - Fureraba
  14. Im struggling right now to continue reading Deardrops. The problem is, I dont know quite why. I cant motivate myself somehow to go on. I stalled it over the summer and now Ive problems catching up with the story. Someway I want to go on and finish atleast one route (Im about half of the common route I think) but on the other hand I cant quite tell if I like it or not. I simply cant decide to go on or start another vn instead. So I wanted to ask you guys, what do you do in such situations ? How do you motive yourself to go trough a dull phase of the story?
  15. Thank you all for your suggestions so far. I think Im going to complete at least Kotoris Route and then Probably do the twins. If I do Amanes Route depends how the other two turn out. @Narcosis why? ^^
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