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Posts posted by InvisibleL

  1. 4 hours ago, Radi said:

    No dev have had it easy I think. You are the one that have to answer that ''why'' If you dont know how to do things and dont have money, learn how to do them by yourself. Sorry if this sounds harsh but it seems like you are looking for compassion rather than actual help or improvement. 

    I am not looking for compassion and I know that I need to learn to do it all by myself. And I am trying to learn everyday (profile image was created yesterday) but the results are still the same. It's not what I need.

    But if you can give me some tips, that would be nice. I tried every tutorial that I found on the internet and in books but I still have not found anything that would help me achieve better results.


    1 hour ago, Albedo said:

    lolwut? There's like 20 VNs starring John Cena. Just use photoshop and make all your characters John Cena. Problem solved!

    An interesting advice but unfortunately unusable for my plans.

  2. Seriously, why am I here? Don´t get me wrong, I love visual novels but my feelings towards them are .... (looking for the best word how to describe it) ..... complicated. As I said, I love them. But every time I see one, I want to create my own novel. And there is the problem. Every time when I see one, I want to create my own visual novel. And there is the problem: I can create a story (I already have one almost finished) but I can´t do the rest. Even a newborn baby has better art skills than me (Thanks a lot, Dyspraxia, I hate you so much.). Just look at my profile picture (yes, it is an attempt on self-portrait and that red thing on my face is supposed to be my red beard. I don´t know why is my beard red, it just grew that way.). I don´t have money to pay an artist and if I had money, I don´t know any artist or where to find one. 

    Same thing with programming and music. I am terrible at it and I don´t know anybody who could help me or where to find that person.

    And then, there is also fear: What if my story is stupid? What if somebody already did a similar story and I will be accused of stealing a story? What if my stupid story and ugly drawings will turn me into a laughing stock everywhere on the internet?

    So, why I am still interested in visual novels? Why  did I registered on forum about visual novels? Is it because I subconsciously want to torture myself by observing the creations of people who are more talented than me, while thinking about things that I'll never be able to do? Or is it just because I envy those talented people their talents?


    Well, nevermind, sorry to bother you, guys. I am leaving.


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