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Posts posted by ColdWarHero

  1. All I really want to add is that I'd be more supportive of this Idea, if it was entirely the same game. The one that will be on steam will have all the H-scenes removed. Now this isn't an argument for h-scenes or no h-scenes and stuff. I just find it important to the plot in one of the routes. I think them taking them out actually damages the original story somewhat, and I'd rather be able to still download the full game here, as it was made, without anything cut.

  2. Are you having trouble unraring the files? Use winrar and click on the first part.


    No, I have all the files, except the ISO, I can start the game, but can't go past the main menu without the iso Mounted, whenever I unzip any of the parts it takes all day to unload then doesn't mount.

  3. Does anyone know where I can get just the iso of Flyable Heart, I have the game installed and I can only find more downloads for the game, but not the iso, I'd prefer it to only be the iso by itself. My game won't run and I heard it works for most people with the iso mounted. help?

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