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Posts posted by TsumikiTheAmazing

  1. it would be handy knowing what you already read.

    I would make a list but honestly I don't think I have enough time to find all of them. The only ones I can list on the top of my head are;



    The one where the girl is in the wheelchair and they build that plane (sorry)

    Majikoi + S

    Princess Evangile

    Imouto Paradise

    Little Busters


    Last Resort

    Girlfriend is the President

    The one with the girl with really long black hair, and the MC works for the yakuza boss as his step-son (again, sorry)


    that's all I can remember as of now. Thanks for helping. 

  2. Hey there guys, I've recently hit a wall and cannot seem to find any Visual Novel that suits my taste. I have read many so it's gotten to the point that I can no longer find any good Visual Novels I haven't read before, that are in english. So could you guys recommend me some that suit my tastes? I enjoy the average Romace, Slice-of-life VNs. I don't mind action or drama if it's like majikoi (because it's not constant drama or action) but I really do enjoy Romace, Slice-of-life's like Ikinari Anata.


    (I just would like to apologize if this makes very little sense to read. It's rather late here and so I'm practically half asleep as it is.)


    Thanks for the help, it's greatly appreciated!

    Also remember that I need them to be in ENGLISH!

  3. Ok, so I am in need of some Visual Novels since I have ran out of the massive pile I had.


    I am looking for your standard romance VNs, now if they are eroge or not is up to you, I prefer both.


    I generally am the "Slice of Life" kind of reader, but I don't hate drama. But I'd love it if it wasn't "dark". Also would love it if it doesn't involve one of the MC dying.


    Not that much of an "Action" fan, but I did love Grisaia no Kajitsu, so use that info as you will.


    I have played many Visual Novels and I don't have any sort of place where I saved a list of my completed ones, so I can only give you a list of what I can remember that I have read.

    And that is:
    -Katawa Shoujo



    -Little Busters

    -Grisaia no Kajitsu


    -Hoshizora no Memoria

    -Ikinari Anata ni Koishiteiru

    -School Days



    That's all of the many I can remember.


    I know this is really demanding, but hey, I'm desperate to find my fix of VNs again. ^^

  4. Did you get the scene with Kotori alone in the bath? Was there any nudity in the group bath scene. I'm not exactly sure of what was and wasn't removed/censored (I would indeed expect the group bath scene to be removed, but I don't know), but I'm suspecting the patch isn't installed correctly.

    Thank you. Turns out the patch didn't...work? The 2 bath scenes had them wrapped in a towel and not nude. I just finished downloading a pre-patched torrent and it is patched. Problem solved. 


    thanks a lot.

  5. Ok, so I downloaded the VN and the restoration patch (it wasn't the one on the full site, it was one a mod linked to use on the main support thread of this VN, because that one didn't work) and I got everything to work. Everything was going well, and I finished Kotori's route. There's just one problem....


    I didn't get any H-scene throughout the WHOLE route.


    I know that it was restored because I DID get the bath scene with Ageha, Kotori, and Amane AND there were multiple scenes where Aoi and Kotori kissed.



    So....is that supposed to happen? I know there are H-scenes with Kotori. And I know this makes me a pervert (but I'm sure we all are here) but I only play VNs that have H-scenes.


    I like that I have to work for them and I get to look forward to seeing them.


    So spending over 10hrs on the VN and not getting a single H-scene is a problem.



    I DO have the restoration patch (the one that didn't work) still and also a copy of the game that ISN'T translated. So if someone could tell me WHERE THE SAVES ARE LOCATED FOR THE VN I could just move my saves over and re-patch it using that patch and hope it works/fixes the problem.



    That is, if that WASN'T supposed to happen.

  6. Ok, I got this fixed.


    I was right, I only had to wait and over time the installation screen finally showed. I installed it and used the updated Batch file I found in the support forum of this game on this site (it's somewhere, I'd link it if I could, but I cannot, so if someone else could for others that will have this problem in the future, I'd appreciate it). And I had no problem with the VN since. Everything loads fine, the characters have voices, and I didn't get the problem with the windmill scene people were getting.



    My problem is solved, please lock this thread.

  7. First of all upgrade out of vista. Vista actually slows down your computer significantly. XP or win7 is the way to go. secondly post some more information about your system. third does any other visual novel work on your computer?

    I haven't had a problem with Vista in the 6 years of using it, so I'll pass on spending money I do not have for a new operating system.


    I cannot get my system specs as of now.


    And I've played at least 4 different Visual Novels without any issues (well, not game breaking issues) to date.

  8. Here I am guys, with yet another problem.


    Ok, so I've recently downloaded If My Heart Had Wing translated by MoeNovel along with the restoration patch.


    When I open up the VN folder, there's an installer. Well, it refuses to open for me. It causes Windows Explorer to crash and my computer to slow down (by a lot) until it does so.


    I've already tried using another torrent source, but it still isn't working.


    I am currently on Windows Vista.


    For now, I am opening it, and it causes my cursor to occasionally have the loading wheel show up. So I am going to leave my laptop on over night to see if somehow the installer opens, but for now I'd like some help if there's a solution to my problem that's rather quick.

  9. Alright, so I've been playing this VN for a while, and I got to Chinami's route, where I need to complete Isuzu's first, which I did.


    Well, I attempted to do her route and it kept putting me in Asuho's. So I checked the CG data to find that Isuzu's, and parts of others were missing. The only ones completed where Kosame's and Asuho's.


    Now, I've completed Asuho's, Isuzu's, Komomo's, and Kosame's. So why aren't the CGs filled?


    Do I have to replay Isuzu's route again to get to Chinami's?


    Here's some instances of what's wrong:


    Actually, now I cannot. For some reason it only shows Asuho's data filled while everything else is blank.


    looks like this: f8d6b697508e704913768451fd50e028.png


    So, what can I do? I do know you can replace the save.bin file, so if anyone does have a save.bin file that has up to Chinami's route completed (like, all the 4 listed up top that I've finished) please link me a DL for it.


    If that's not the case, I would like a solution to what is going on with my VN. :/

  10. I seem to be having a problem, the whole game is translated and everything, besides the menu. I do have the correct font (I clicked around in the menu (thanks to my very little knowledge of kanji) and managed to change it) and everything set up right. It just bugs me how the menu isn't translated. It says I'm on Patch 1.2. Which should be the newest one since I downloaded this VN about a month ago on this site.


    So basically, Is the menu supposed to be translated or not?

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