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Posts posted by danpc

  1. Thank you to everyone that showed interest in our project :)

    We are trying our best to do make an interesting story and enjoyable experience, while at the same time trying some new stuff.

    I hope you guys enjoy it when its done :)


    If anyone is curious about anything you can message us via the blog or just ask here.

  2. This looks like an interesting project and the art is actually nice! I'm kinda confused about how it is going to be a murder mystery whilst being a comedy romance drama at the same time, but will definitely want to give it a shot when it comes out. :)


    I slightly disagree with the choice of Flash for the engine, but I think that it's not all bad news. For example, you could get it on Newgrounds and get a whole bunch of publicity there. I don't know if Android supports Flash but iOS definitely doesn't, so porting it to mobile would be a gigantic hassle. 


    Either way, wishing you guys the best of luck, let us know how it goes. :)

    Flash is not an engine its a platform,the engine is being built from scratch using action script 3,and it will be compiled using Adobe Air which runs on iOS,Android and Pc,also trying to make it work on Mac's,it also can be playable on browsers(doesn't mean we will have a final version that does, it depends on a few things).


    Thank you for you interest in the project,and i hope you keep following us. :)

  3. hey if you are still recruiting i can help with Story,Proofreading and Game engine


    As for Game engine why are you making a new one and not use previously available one?

    Hi,i'm making one because i thought it would be fun to make one also it might be more flexible,and if by any chance i'm not able to make it i will import everything done to a good free one.

    And welcome to the project thank you for volunteering :)

  4. I can join the ideas side,

    And maybe help with editing

    I know of some artists

    If you want I can call them.

    that would be very helpful thankyou :)

    But would the artists be willing to work for free?

    This project has no dead line so they could work on it when they have time just for fun,but still they might not want too.

    I know we can't really be picky since we don't have any volunteer's for the art right now but i would like artists that at least like the Visual Novel genre that's the only thing i would like, they don't even have to be amazing artists a decent one that loves the genre would be better than an amazing one that dosen't.

  5. Well I'm a writer only, However, I am very interested in possibly pitching out some idea's if nothing else. there was an arc partly about this very thing in Comyu I'm currently working on my own Normal Novel though. since I am a talent less hack in other area's lol If I can help in someway just let me know. :)

    Thankyou for volunteering! :)

    Any writer with some experience in visual novel or regular novel making will be very helpful.  

  6. current staff list


    game engine developer

    -danpc (main)

    -anyone else who wants to help


    story writers/ ideas 





    -anyone esle




    -anyone else




    -Dals's friend (maby)






    if any one disagrees or would like to join please

    say so

    Thanks for organizing this aideed  :)

    I also would like to be part of the story planing.

    If we can get at least one artist i think we can make something.

    Ideally i would like to make an ADV style visual novel,but if we can only get one artist i guess we can make something that would only have a couple of cg's with text over it kinda like Tsukihime.

    But let's hope more people volunteer :)

  7. I would like to volunteer. To be a writer I have previous experience writing story lines for games that are currently in progress.

    But would recommend having 2-3 writers. So we won't run into a situation where the one writer no longer has any ideas to contribute to the story.

    I agree,and all the Visual Novels i read also had at least 3 writers so it makes sense, we just need more volunteers.

  8. I'm not sure about using an engine,since i'm an indie flash developer i was thinking making a simple engine which i would be able to modify at will.

    I am a horrible writer and artist,but i really like to design games and create game concepts.I can also make music to some extent. 

    So what we would need mainly is a main writer who would keep the whole story in place and someone who can do character art and backgrounds or a person for each.

    But anyone who want's to participate is welcomed too,be it to just give a story idea,proofreading,testing,etc...

    I think we just need to have a main writer and artist to keep everything consistent.


    Please tell me what you guys think :)

  9. Do you mean hack?

    the only way you can acess the files on a 360 or ps3 disk is trough the consoles.

    In the 360 case you can hack the dvd drive by connecting it to youre pc and changing the firmware,after that it probably is possible to use the drive while still conected to acess the files.

    the ps3 only older version can be hacked without using some sort of device,but once hacked you can install software like a file explorer and a game ripper that lets you create an iso for the game and or acess the files that then you can put on a external harddrive.

    With that said you can't do much with the files since they are encrypted and won't work outside of the consoles they were built for.

  10. As you probably know, console code runs on different architectures (PowerPC, MIPS) and is not compatible with PC hardware. But even on similar hardware (xbox one, ps4 running on x86 cores) you cannot simply slap the code and decreet it is runnable on Windows or some other os.

    You have two cases:

    - Original vn engine on PC was directly ported to console with minor differences, with proper tweaks you can use those assets on PC; IIRC there was a seemingly backport of x360 Chaos;Head but the whole project was C&D

    - You convert game resources (including scripts) to run on an open source engine such as Kirikiri or ONscripter

    and as you said, you can extract text and have it translated independently, but it is generally complicated to keep staff motivated enough when they can't see the result of their work...

    My idea was to re-create the game using the assets,so it would basicaly be porting it to a new engine.

    But has far as i know these engines must have limitations.

    So what i was proposing was to simply re-create the game using for example flash since im a flash developer,if it was doing it everything i would be hardcoded no editors and stuff(since i never made one)and don't see the point in having one,it would be good for the translator to change text when they want sure but you could just has easily change a line in the .as using an editor.

    Anyway it was just and idea it dosen't work if we can't rip the assets from the game disk,intresting enough one of the games i was thinking about was x360 Chaos;Head Noah when i tought of this becuse i would like to play it someday,especialy the new Steins;Gate :/

  11. It all depends on the constraints set by the underlying platform.

    For instance, NDS cartridges are commonly 128MB or 256MB, so there are tradeoff to compress stuff and decoding / ripping those can be more or less complicated.

    But for former next-gen it's a non-issue as they're released on large media (DVD-DL) that are generally amply sufficient for VN resources.

    So if someone is able to rip the assests,we would be able to port a console exclusive VN to the pc.

    Well there would also be the translation but the porting would be paralel to that.

  12. Well that's the exact same idea I had. Which is why I made an engine to do just that.

    But for console games, it's a little difficult to rip the assets out of. If you have a game in mind, try using AnimED on it. It supports some PS2 archive formats. If you can get the text and other resources out, then the rest is just porting which is easy.

    Oh so someone is already doing it,thats good then :)

    No i don't have any game in mind i was just asking,becuse there are a few 360 and ps3 exclusive visual novels that i heard some people tried to port but couldn't,so i just tought of that idea and was offering to help.

  13. Hi i'm an indie game developer,but i'm not really familiar with low level programing or how some people make software that rips assets like videos and music from some games.

    I wanted to know becuse i had this idea of how to make console games visual novels work on the pc(kinda),it would be to just recreate the vn using the assests from the console,we would only need the backgrounds,charecter art,audio files,and the text wich can be inputed in so that would be the easiaset part.

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