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Posts posted by Pryxm

  1. Hello all! I am currently in the process of making my first visual novel! 


    "You and six teenagers are involved in horrible accidents. You are found unconscious, but you seem to wake up in a new realm. The ones there call it the Drift. From there, you have to find a way to escape the Drift alive. There are creatures that dwell there called phantoms. With each person having a "talent," this shouldn't be too hard of a task, right? Wrong. The Drift is a dangerous realm with illusions to trick the mind. With danger lurking in every shadow, who can you trust? Are they your friends or foes?"

    The main character is unisex, so either gender can play and choose their own route, love choice, and more! 


    Liam Valter: Liam is known as, "The scrawn." He is easily defined by his skittish and fearful personality. Liam usually keeps to himself, making him very observant. He is also the strategist, the brains, and the planner in the group. His talent of timed invisibility helps him observe and plan even better. At the age of 17, one would think that he would be a little more.. well-put-together in his scared side. However, Liam's fearful personality has helped the group make hard decisions during fights, incidents, and events in the drift. He is usually seen wearing a white v-neck shirt with blue jeans. He has a pair of glasses that always remains on his face, as he is rendered useless without them.

    Josh Farrier: Josh is the leader of the group. He had been in the Drift for the longest time of the seven teenagers. His given talent upon arrival was foresight and mind-reading which can prove useful in most situations. His personality is definitely a more rough-sided person. He often compares himself to a wolf - he protects his pack, fights those who dare to stand up to him, and fights when needed. An opposite of Liam hints that the two don't necessarily get along. Liam uses his head to figure out situations, while Josh uses his fists. Josh is known for his black shirt marked with a silver omega symbol.

    Katlyn Stone: Katlyn is seen around Josh. She was taken under his wing when she arrived in the Drift. He had saved her from a pack of "phantoms," the beasts that lurk in the Drift's plains. Katlyn now owes him her life, so she sticks by him in thick and thin to ensure that she is available for service when needed. She usually calms Josh down and persuades him to listen to the other people in the group. Often, the other group members question if the two are an item, but every time they deny.

    Daniel Bosner: Daniel is the flirt of the group. He decides to flirt with anyone and anything that is a female. This leads to him being overly confident in the sense that he finds himself, "able to get any girl." Despite this personality, he is one of the best members. His "given talent" is to see into the darkness, and use the shadows. He can sneak through the plains like a spy and guard the group's den. The shadows alert him of an enemy or threat, so his senses are extremely useful.

    Jarid Ryder: Jarid, or also known as "J," works with Liam as the strategist. In a close tie to Liam, he is known as the second-brain. Whenever Liam is on a supply run, Jarid is in charge of planning escape routes if a phantom rampages through the den. If one does reveal itself, he is able to use his talent to become one of them - he's a shapeshifter. As long as he's seen the creature, he is able to become one. This is extremely handy in battle situations as he can ward off predators by shifting into a creature of immense size and power.

    Marie Santar: Marie has a special feature about her. She has multiple-personality disorder - she has two different sides. One of which is a calm, loving girl.. While the other, is much less than that. Her "demonic" side is much more violent. She usually goes into a rampage. Her left eye turns red when this activates. This is a positive and a negative - in battle it works well. In other times, it can cause pain and tension in the den.


    I am currently looking for help to boost my social media pages. I do have a facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/lostinthedrift). I am looking for someone to help boost it, as well as the instagram (@lostinthedrift). I am currently making a Twitter for it as well.

    The reason that I would like this boosted is because of the Kickstarter. It is set to launch in the next week or so, and having some people interested first is always helpful.


    I will be posting a demo up shortly! There won't be any voice, but there will be pictures in the future once they're done!

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