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Posts posted by Tigerymon

  1. Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay!

    Do you have a favourite VN?

    Have a moe:


    Hidden Content 

    Hi, Flutterz. As for your question; yes, I do. 

    My favourite VN are Hoshizora no Memoria, Kamidori Alchemy Meister(I like Turn-based strategy),

    Katawa no Shoujo, Period, and Yume Miru Kusuri. Right now, I am playing D.C..

    Actually, I played those games in translated version since my Japanese is still at the beginning level. :P

    Also, thank you for the Moe. Did you draw it yourself? It's really beautiful. Good Job.


    Hello there. I welcome you to the Fuwanovel Forums. If you're learning Japanese, you'll have a lot more options to play from unlike us English only speakers like me who have to wait for translations.

     Hi, VirginSmasher. Such an aggressive and powerful name. :) 

    My Japanese level is still crawling at the ground level T_T. I hope that in the future(not far from now) I could play 

    VN in Japanese without looking at the dictionary.

  2.  Thank you for the welcome. :D

    Welcome to fuwa tigerymon :) 
    There are many "easy" vns to start with, I can recommend you this one https://vndb.org/v9890  I'm currently reading it and not having many problems with.

    Enjoy your stay ~

    Thank you Deep Blue. I will check the retailer of this product. :)



    Clephas has compiled a list of VNs for beginners, which I highly recommend. It worked well for me.

    Thank you for the suggestion, Fiddle. I am going to take that as the reference. :)

  3. Hi, I am new here. Actually, not that new; I have been checking this site for a while. 
    I am interested in VN with good story and mechanics(too get out of boredom sometimes).

    Currently. I am studying Japanese and use some VN as my practice materials. 
    If there is any basic language VN, please let me know :lol:.

    Last but not least, nice to meet you all and please take care of me. :D

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