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Posts posted by RiceRice

  1. I watched it and enjoyed it. I thought it was cute. Though I wouldn't say it's actually yuri as there's technically no romance, but it's so heavily implied and suggested, it really might as well be.

    But yeah, I agree with the general consensus about it being interesting even without any knowledge of majong. I mean, I didn't have any either. :3

  2. ごめんなさい, おれにほんごじょうずじゃない,ちょっとわるいです :(


    It took me like 10 min to write that lol and it's probably filled with mistakes xD I'm pretty sure that I can't just say not skillful and then bad in the same phrase like that


    Pfft, it's fine. I'm also still learning so even if you wrote anything wrong, I wouldn't know x3

    I'm just being picky about being called Rice instead of Gohan.

    Another Hakuoki fan! Internet high five! (Which port did you play, btw? There's been so many at this point.)Anyway, welcome to Fuwa. Make yourself at home and help yourself to the complimentary coffee and donuts.

    *high fives*

    Ummmm... I first played the psp version, then got the 3ds for the bonus content. Now I'm just contemplating getting the ps3 for the high resolution images and the other bonus content.............. I don't think it's worth it but the bonus content is temptingg...!

    I do this for my love of Saito! xD

  3. Hello!


    Due to my lack of sheer creativity, I go by the food I eat on a daily basis: Rice~<3


    Ehh... I've been stalking Fuwanovel for a while now to check visual novel translation statuses and then found out there was a forum and figured why not make an account? (Mainly because I don't have any friends in real life who I can talk to about visual novels ahaha~ >.<)



    As far as visual novels goes, I usually play otome games (My all time favorite still being Hakuouki) but I also like other ones like Grisaia no Kajitsu and Narcissu (THE FEELS!). And BL ones too~ Not so much yuri. I've tried them, but I never really managed to get into them O.o


    Now that I think about it, most visual novels I play are romance related, so there's that as far as my taste in visual novels go.



    I also enjoy anime, manga, light/web novels, music(90% vocaloid songs xD) and just other general otaku-related stuff. (EDIT: I forgot to mention drama cds which I listen to everyday lols. So there's that too.)




    That's all I can think of to say for an introduction. x3



    From what I see, the forums seem really active, so I hope to join in!


    Please treat me well~ (*⌒▽⌒*)θ~♪

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