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Posts posted by cenric

  1. Here is what I'm looking for:

    - A "slice of life", romance VN with a group of characters getting together for some project. Story focus should be balanced between romance and something else.

    - No enforced playing order.

    Otherwise it can be anything, don't know if this is too broad or not. Some examples, though not exactly what I'm looking for:

    - Kono Oozora ni, Tsubasa o Hirogete

    - Miagete Goran, Yozora no Hoshi o

    These Pulltop ones have what I'm looking for in the common route but the actual character routes tend to get a bit too romance focused for my taste. Similar to these would still work.

    - Kira☆Kira and Deardrops (the whole making a band thing. Kira☆Kira road trip was also very enjoyable)

  2. On undefined at 11:55 PM, HMN said:

    ohohoho. someone's reading ley-line~ 

    the 2nd one ends up on such a cliffhanger,i honestly don't know how people were able to wait for the final game.

    what i found remarkable about ley-line is its consistency throughout the whole series,so i really hope you do enjoy it :D

    Doing the last chapter now and getting really interesting. I have enjoyed almost all of it so far, if it gets even better towards the end will definitely be among my favorites. Good thing I'm reading it now and not 2013.

  3. I use meditation sometimes to relax and deeply think about something. When my minds not full of distractions I can relax easier and completely focus on one thing.

    Can't say about any long term benefits though.

  4. Hello, thought I'd quickly introduce myself since it seems I might come here more than once. ^_^


    Soo... I will go straight to business! While I haven't played that many VN's yet, it's been so long since my first one I can't even remember how I came across it. That "first one" was definitely Yukizakura which probably isn't the most common entry point but luckily I enjoyed it and started to looking for more.


    I'm bad with rating things or making 1,2,3 lists but here are some VN's that I've enjoyed:


    Grisaia no Kajitsu
    Hoshizora no Memoria
    Kono Oozora ni, Tsubasa wo Hirogete
    Princess Evangile
    Sekien no Inganock
    Symphonic Rain


    Out of those my favorite "waifu's" are Sachi, Chie, Amane and Ritsuko in case you're interested. :lol:

    I'm open to any VN suggestions.



  5. I can get pretty competitive at times and when I do, losing does frustrate me.


    I deal with it by understanding how dedicated the best really are and by only committing to something after I understand the level I'm willing to go. At this point I usually realize that I'm actually very casual compared to these people. If I'm not willing to do purposeful and dedicated practice every day for a specific amount of time then I'm not even going to start comparing myself to the people who do.

  6. I'm all for H-scenes until they're actually happening. Then it's just 'ugh, I can't wait for this irritating fuckfest to be over so I can actually continue with things.' Annoyingly though, I like the idea of 'couple-based' H-scenes (like, two people forming a relationship) because sometimes the sentiment behind it's really nice, so I don't turn H-scenes off in case they're actually relevant.


    That said, any H-scene which goes mouth/vagina/bum (or anything in that order...) in one go is either gratuitous and annoying, or so hilariously bad that the very idea of popping a cock-rocket is impossible.

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