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Posts posted by zxc19814762314

  1. Took a long break of probably around a year or longer from visual novels, the long awaited Majikoi A-1 (as well as grisaia) came out which got me back into VNs. I noticed a lot of good VNs have been / are close to finishing translation in the time that I stopped keeping up. I've just finished Majikoi A-1 (and am keenly awaiting A-2 and the rest of the fan discs, mostly just A-3 for dat stacy and lee), on the verge of finishing Koichoco, and going to play Koisuru Natsu no Last Resort after that. Meikyuu 18+ probably won't be released by the time I finish these, so I'll need some others to play in the meantime.

    I did find this list before, but noticed it hadn't been updated since the end of 2015. If someone knows of a similar list but updated, a link would be greatly appreciated, otherwise just recommendations will do.

    I already know of some projects that are close to finishing, such as Clover Day's, Koi ga Saku koro sakura doki, Dracu-Riot!, and Aokana (was ~90% but recently appears to be on hiatus).

    Any other good VNs that received (or are nearly finished receiving) an English patch in the last year or so? 

  2. Everyone has their preferences, but it would be a shame not to play Kotori's route in Konosora. She's by far the best character, in my opinion.

    Well I'm sure she is, it's just that the idea of a heroine being in a wheel chair to me at least seems really weird hahahaha I can imagine the sex scenes in her route definitely being a little funky. I try to 100% every VN I play, so I play through routes even if they don't appeal to me that much, and more often than not they end up appealing to me throughout the course of the route. The only routes I've skipped to this day in VNs I've finished playing are the male routes in Majikoi, and Miyako's After in Majikoi S.



    the closest to those vns is sharin no kuni, dengeki is like playing a superman vn (or any other superhero)...if my heart had wings is nothing like grisaia or senjou is more like slice of life with drama and comedy and comyu is nothing like that either because is more fantasy with a lot of supernatural things (yeah grisaia is not very realistic either but it tries to be realistic :P )

    The last VN I played was Shinikiss, so I'm not really too fussed, it doesn't have to be super similar to Grisaia or G-Senjou (In terms of story and theme anyway), at least trying to have a story and being enjoyable would make it good enough for me. From what I can tell, Grisaia and G-Senjou seem to be considered up there in the ratings of all VNs, so I know it will be hard to play another VN expecting it to be as good as either of them.

  3. Wow, heaps of replies that I wake up to, nice and active forum xD


    Anyway, the 2007 cutoff point is just cos I wasn't super impressed with G-Senjou no Maou's art, in fact, it was pretty bad imo, which is understandable I guess since it's from 2007. I got over the art around half an hour into the game and it didn't really hinder my enjoyment of the game, but any worse art might. The visuals play a decent part in the visual novel experience for me and would make a VN better. That said, Majikoi was released only 2 years later and had very nice, modern art, so maybe there are some <2007 VNs with good art for the time that I don't know about.


    Thanks everyone for the suggestions, all of these look pretty good. I'll probably be giving Coμ a play, and Dengeki Stryker after that, and then probably Konosora (I feel terrible for saying this, but one of the heroines being in a wheelchair in that game kinda turns me off from playing it lmao).

  4. Hi, new to fuwanovel, I've played Grisaia and G-Senjou no Maou (As well as the translated Majikois, and Shinikiss) and I'm having trouble finding a VN that appeals to me that I would like to play in the meantime while waiting for Meikyuu and Rakuen.


    I'd prefer a modern setting, as well as a newer VN (no older than 2007 unless good art, the art for G-Senjou was pretty borderline for me, despite that VN being amazing). Although I skip sex / h scenes half the time, it's nice knowing that they are there so that some romantic development took place to get it to that point. Other than that, a nice, memorable storyline, plot, and characters like in Grisaia and G-Senjou no Maou is really what I'm looking for, or even just an enjoyable one, (I could tell Shinikiss was bland, cliche, predictable, and average, but I still liked and enjoyed it none the less). Attractive heroines would be nice as well. A Full English translation patch / release is a must.


    Some that I've seen and didn't appeal enough to me to play (at least not yet anyway, maybe I'll pick these up in the future if I don't find / have anything to play) are:

    Princess Evangile
    Yume Miru Kusuri
    Osananajimi wa Daitouryou
    Any other suggestions?
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