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Posts posted by Hyo575

  1. Did you try installing "supplementary fonts". They're usually why games look weird (and/or stuff up) in Windows 10. Haven't tried Comyu on Windows 10 yet (but finished it on Windows 8.)

    I already have it installed, so unfortunately that's not the issue. 


    Also I was able to track down a fresh copy of the game, and not prepatched.  I installed it, installed the patch.... and it still crashes on me.  I honestly think I've got no other choice but to play this on my vmware player.  It's gotta be a compatability issues if it plays fine on there.   

  2. My honest guess is the game isn't compatible with Windows 10, or 10 isn't compatible with the Windows 8 fix.


    Have you tried a fresh copy without the Windows 8 fix to see if that fix makes the game incompatible with 10?


    Edit:  Also This link may help.  Maybe.

    I'm under that impression as well.  The fact is, I can get the game to run without crashing using my vmware player and Ryonani XP.  Which is basically a virtual machine another site created, with the Windows XP Professional OS.  This way, practically any  game with compatibility issues can be run.  Though the reason I'm asking this question, even though I can get it to run, is because there's a difference in quality when it comes to playing it on vmware player and windows xp.  It's enough to irk me, so I'd prefer to get the game to run on Windows 10.  Of course, if I can't find a solution then I'll just have to deal with it. ^^;


    Tried all the the things in that link, didn't help.  As soon as I take any of those components out of the folder, I get the message people were getting without the components in the first place ("unrecognized kernel32 module. / NM.").  I mean, I can start the game no problem.  It's just the random crashing that's the problem, which is something I haven't seen anyone else have a problem with.  

  3. Hey guys, so I've gotta problem when playing Comyu where the game just ramdomly crashes on me.  There's no error message other than my computer randomly asking me if the game was installed correctly.  In other words, the compatability troubleshooter.  Though I've already went through and tried EVERY other compatability mode for the game... but nothing seems to work.  The game continues to crash, and I honestly I have no idea how to fix it.  My computer is set to Japanese Unicode and I'm running Windows 10 Home 64 bit.  I've also got Win8WOH already extracted into the folder. (the fix to solve the windows 8 64 bit issue)  So like I said, I've got no idea what to do.  If anyone knows how to fix the problem, it would be greatly appreciated.

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