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Posts posted by Rico

  1. Just a guess but might be around next year maybe Feb. or around summer 2016 site doesn't have a date. I remember when the first game was posted from Mangagamer and it came out not many months after so most likely it won't be long till its done.





    Erm, I don't think they thought that url extension through well enough.

    thanks for the answer fellas, i actually havent finished the original yet (only 2 routes finished so far). because i kinda want ruriko to be my first lol. hope it's released soon.

    Also i've been wondering why ritsuko instead of ruriko for the original game, given that ritsuko has less interaction with MC while ruriko has much more interaction and scene with MC. not to forget that ritsuko is on different association.

    In the discussion thread, we all came to the consensus that it was due to a budget cut and that she actually was meant to be a primary route.


    thanks for the answer fellas, i actually havent finished the original yet (only 2 routes finished so far). because i kinda want ruriko to be my first lol. hope it's released soon.

    Also i've been wondering why ritsuko instead of ruriko for the original game, given that ritsuko has less interaction with MC while ruriko has much more interaction and scene with MC. not to forget that ritsuko is on different association.

    In the discussion thread, we all came to the consensus that it was due to a budget cut and that she actually was meant to be a primary route.


  2. I was just asking because i saw someone saying that Princess Evangile is basically an all girls school equivalent of Hoshimemo without the astronomy stuff. I haven't read PE yet (but i have read Hoshimemo) and i got a little confused because from what i can see the only thing PE and Hoshimemo have in common is that they are both school life comedy romance.

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