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Posts posted by qin

  1. For when you literally just want to eat cute girls: https://vndb.org/v11999


    Yum, yum.





    how..why..when... why would anyone write something like that, spend money on that shit, I don't even...



    Actually, I think I lied about not really caring about those CGs I never got. My completionist tendencies are too strong after all. Unfortunately, I can't find a walkthrough, so I'm stuck. Oh well.


    Back on topic, what the hell is this title? https://vndb.org/v12736


    And this, "I finally feel like a teacher"? https://vndb.org/v10975

  2. There are some damn weird people out there, to write this kind of stuff.
    In the meantime, some hours later, I've finished Zettai Junshu except for 3 CGs in the last section of the CG library that I couldn't find. (If somebody who has by chance also played it could let me know where to find them, my perfectionist side would be very appreciative of that, but this isn't important enough for me to worry about it.) It was just porn, porn, porn, though (thank god) without weird fetishes. Just about what I expected out of my first nukige.


    I really think that after this thread, I severely underestimated how ridiculous VNs could get.

  3. Hey all, so I found Zettai Junshu ☆ Kozukuri Kyokashou Paradise!! ~Aa, Subarashiki Haramasekai~ through random VNDB browsing and found the description so utterly ridiculous (The current sex ratio of the human race is 1: 107210, etc) that I grabbed and started playing it for kicks.

    What're the most ridiculous VNs you guys have read?

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