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  1. Hi guys I came upon a visual novel called Clover Day's through its BGM (So Nice!) and found out that there is a prequel to it. Do i have to play Clover Heart's before playing Clover Day's to understand the story? Thanks and have a good one.
  2. Thank you very much for all your help guys! Sadly I don't think I can "buy" Windows XP. Guess I will have to pass StarTRain... I am, though, enjoying its great musics that came with. Again, I thank all of you guys. I really appreciate it and I am so grateful that I found such a friendly and helpful community. I was at a Korean forum before I came here and I got couple of "idk's" for answers. Not that they were unfriendly or anything but to see so much help and input to go out of your way to research and stuff is really touching(?). Guess I'll have to move on to next vn on my list... CloverDays, LittleBusters, or Grisaia series
  3. Hi guys, I am new to this community. I downloaded StarTRain (many years ago actually, and I still own it) while back when I had Windows Vista. The game worked fine in Vista, but it does not even response on Windows 8. No error message or any thing. I played a few VN previously so I tried everything that I knew: applocale, NTLEA, changing to Japanese Locale. My other VN runs without problem. (Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai series, DRACU-RIOT!, Akatsuki no Goei, etc.) Is there a way to run StarTRain on Windows 8? Any input will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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